
I loved Sweet Tomatoes.  My favorite memory of eating there was watching this one guy eat one specific ingredient at a time.  He would heap a huge pile of peas on a plate, eat it, go back, heap a huge pile of corn, eat that, eat a pile of cheese, then croutons, etc.  I think most of the restaurant stopped to watch

Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.

did they go under? shows how often i go, but i used to go with work friends to one near my office years ago pretty regularly, since it was quick and you could get pretty healthy if you wanted. you could of course snarf up subpar pizza and soft serve, but the salad bar was nice.

It took me years to realize it, but Old Country Buffet was never about the food.

Why is 18-49 the demographic group? 31 years is a long wide gulf and I’m glad to say 18 year old me is nothing like 4(COUGH) me.

We did a lockdown watch of Buffy and there were so many elements that would have been out of frame in the original that the 16:9 matte exposed. It became a game to find them.

Old pumpkins never die, they just slowly decompose on your lazy-ass neighbor’s porch.

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The most noteworthy coverage in a video, at least for me, is Passion of the Nerd’s video:

We’re watching through Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Hulu. Seasons 1-3 were all letterboxed 4:3 (black bars on the side), while season 4 started with widescreen. I don’t remember how they originally aired (presumably in 4:3), but what’s hilarious is occasionally there’s shots that, while they filmed at a wider aspect

I want to correct their grammar...

pumpkins are famously immobile...

Please stop giving this guy free media. By all appearances he’s a complete douche and not a very good chef either. 

Frozen: Bond’s emotional detachment is due to his older sister not wanting to make a snowman with him as a child. But it turns out that said sister has ice powers that she was taught to be afraid and ashamed of!

I’m guess most of the folks there thought he was a Halloween decoration. 

I get the notifications but they don’t take me to the comment, but it’s been like that for months.

I may be wrong, but I think it was Keith in the POTC movies. 

Comcast merely (*merely*, HAH) fucks over the consumer with the power of monopoly. They are, such as it is, Corporate Evil Classic (tm).

Once got stuck in the traffic waiting for snow chains coming back from Reno.

You’d think they would go with Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper again, those two don’t seem to be up to much these days.

Borscht, Ramen, Tom yum. These are pretty much the three soups you need. Constant rotation.