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“Stand and deliver / You let them put the fear on you / Stand and deliver / But not a word you heard was true.”

He does specifically say that Mario Party is okay, though.

The best idea I heard, not just for Trump but every president, would be to have whoever the guest is that week, no matter what, play the president.

It was partly on Baldwin, partly in the writing. They never seemed to get a handle in just how insane Trump was in every respect. Baldwin played him more like a NY blowhard (which he is) but didn’t really go near his sociopathy, his delusional view of the world, and his obvious senility. His Trump wasn’t nearly as bad

“Work hours” seems reasonable.

I do this too, but it sits on the walk/ride home. That’s the problem.

My mother’s gradually disappearing into dementia. As good as this film treatment might be, I’m not looking for opportunities to re-live the experience in my leisure time.

Albums being released on the same day are really a problem. In 2001, They Might Be Giants and Bob Dylan released an album (“Mink Car” and “Love and Theft” respectively) on the same day. Oddly enough neither launch party was well attended, but that might have been due to the fact that the date was Sept 11th.

If you aren’t a healthcare worker, in a nursing home, or a member of some other high risk/essential group then you don’t have to worry about being in the first round of people who get it.

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Could not find the Flying Circus version

To be fair, it is very likely that double or triple the number of confirmed cases have existed. Even so, in order to achieve the herd immunity minus a vaccine, we would likely have over a million deaths. 

I believe it is available to stream on Disney Plus. 

If herd immunity could happen without a vaccine...then why the hell are we at 300k deaths with millions of infections?
Just simple questions, why don’t people ever ask simple questions?
By the way, the guy was clearly writing like he knew trump was going to look (not read) at it first, so there’s your answer. 

I spent years only hearing snippets of “Paradise...” here and there. The first time I heard it in full on the radio I thought I was losing my mind. “Is this still playing? I’m pretty sure the seasons have changed.”

Hey, who wants to blow up a building with Trump’s name on it?

Lies. Piano Man exists to tell us the forbidden love story betweenconfirmed bachelor” Paul and Davey the sailor.

I knew a woman who would train her dog to fall to the ground and play dead every time she said “Die!” So obviously she’d work this into dinner-party jokes e.g. (circa 2005), “Aspen, would you rather embrace George Bush’s failed Iraq policy... or die!?” Laughs ensue.

I have a similar reaction when people ask Alexa to perform an action they could easily do manually.