
I guess they’re not in the mood for a melody.

And the huskies they sound like a carnosaur
And the microphone smells like a-beer

Really, I was not ready for that sound.

pointing out that its subscribers are smart enough to draw appropriate lines between reality and those moments that are played up for television

If Brent Spiner doesn’t show up at least every other episode, this is a waste of television.

I’m going to BAILIFF you make one more courtroom pun!

Yeah a lot of people his age were at least forced to start using computers in the early ‘00s for their jobs. Being an already very well known actor, that probably didn’t happen to him.

Folks that achieve a certain level of success/power/status are often allowed to freeze there development along certain axis, most notably in technology. I can almost guarantee you that despite his prolific tweeting Donald Trump has likely never used a desktop or laptop computer on a daily basis. I used to work on

Labs are cute but kind of stupid. I could see Austrailian shepherd grown food maybe.

But with white linen suits and fancy cocktails with little umbrellas.

“Our study suggests artificially sweetened beverages may not be a healthy substitute for sugar drinks”

I give zero fucks that they used to be called “royalty,” so the real question is, do either of these people have an interesting personality or any talents aside from Meghan’s (presumed, I’ve never watched Suits) acting ability?

Stand back everyone:

Barr served his purpose. He’s a white nationalist legal whore. Doesn’t matter whether he quit or resigned. He was out in a month regardless.

I haven’t been following this as closely as some, but wasn’t the backlash supposedly key in helping conjure this thing into existence to begin with? If so, I can’t help but wonder: was it clear at some point that that’s exactly what was happening?

The BACKLASH is what you find bizarre here? Jesus christ.

“a runtime of 9 hours, 26 minutes”

Officially? No way.

I’d suggest buying pipe insulation but if you’re renting, see if your landlord will subsidize your rent before you do.

wow, that is a shockingly good deepfake. Apart from the so-so voice, the video is nearly flawless.  The eyes, the moving mouth, wow.  You can’t tell me this wouldn’t fool the average Cult 45 member (especially if the message was more in line with what they expect to hear).  Perhaps something like this could be used to