
I bet that’s going to make next year’s Those We’ve Lost segment super awkward.

I know in my heart of hearts that if you get a bunch of country music fans together in Tennessee you’re going to have problems enforcing Covid protocols. That’s not liberal me making fun of red staters, that’s me knowing those people well, coming from a similar state and having tons of friends and family around those

So does Proud Boys.

Call me specieist but I don’t trust anything with square pupils. Not goats, not sheep, and not Bender.

Don’t tell that to Tacoma! They would firmly beg to differ.

I was too but I'm ova it now.

Reading what health experts think of Trump’s tweet is interesting. They think he did more to set back public trust in the vaccine with that one tweet than anything else that has occurred this month. 

A lot of it is fear. The presence of a pandemic significantly uproots people’s lives, and people would rather lie to themselves and deny that it’s happening than actually deal with the problem. It’s a way to maintain control in a world that’s increasingly becoming chaotic.

Sorry... meant to type “plate’s”.

I have a couple of friends who ride share and the main reason they do it is because of the flexibility of work hours and they get to “work for themselves”. I always tell them if this is what they plan on doing quit being lazy and get your CDL already.

Judd Apatow already had his movie go straight to VOD and was happy enough with it because he and the people involved were consulted. He’s complaining about studios changing contracts and plans without consulting people whose lives it affects. One of the films had two thirds of its almost 200million dollar budget was

It’s so easy to suddenly find yourself binge watching clips from that show on YouTube for an entire afternoon, isn’t it?

I thought it was "Smash my hat!"

I think this is the key thing a lot of the discourse around this film tends to forget — it’s a kid’s film. Of course I, a cynical twenty-something who wasn’t that into Harry Potter to begin with, wasn’t particularly engaged with the film and can see all the flaws and joins and Chris Columbusness of it all. I’m not in

Ocean’s 11 holds up like a motherfucker. It’s just so effortless and charming and silly.

Nobody seems to be talking about it, so I guess I’m not seeing an image of Black Widow alone on some rocky planet in this? I guess the timing would be weird since the movie was already supposed to be out, but I really thought it was her

It’d be a waste if they did fight Doom. How many FF movies are there so far that compress Doom’s origin story in the first movie and make him a ridiculous figure with no presence? It’s three. And then also he surfs in a sequel.

Let them fight Mole Man or some other FF villain that we’ve never seen on screen before and

There are lots of celebrities with whom that would have worked for me, but in all honesty, his image has changed enough over the years that as a non-fan (I think he’s a perfectly fine actor, I just don’t follow his career) I didn’t recognize him. In fairness to my lack of cultural awareness though, it’s not exactly a

I got a Firefly notification for this?!