
It’s better than the world I’m living in: where “man refuses to get vaccinated” is a news story.

It just occurred to me what must be under that ridiculous bun of hers.


The problem with a lot of impressionists is that they often aren’t funny. It becomes a parlor trick without any material. Dana Carvey’s HW Bush and Ferrell’s W weren’t accurate, but they were funny. Rich Little and Frank Caliendo are skilled mimics but not funny. Bill Hader often managed both (his Alan Alda is a

Hader would be a great Dale.

Maybe Zoomers? Every generation that grows up with Spotify/YouTube/etc. has the ability to curate the music they want to listen to vs. relying on radio DJs to be the arbiters of what was good.

Album title track on Highway 61 Revisited has this annoying ring whistle throughout, cheesy organ hook, the lyrics are EXTRA nonsense, and his voice is EXTRA Dylany, like he’s intentionally trolling you despite the rest of the album being incredible. And it makes sense, because the entire album is one huge troll to

7 different ideas? You got a lot of faith in Hollywood, pal.

i mean, to be fair they had released lots of movies with mummies and frankensteins before.

Jokes on us, turns out it’s just hundreds of versions of their cover of “Africa” and a brief aside in to the rest of Toto’s library.

Oh come on! If there’s one guy who deserves to be kicked while he’s down, it’s Donald Trump.

Well that’s good at least. I canceled Prime years ago for better reasons than that, but it was such a weird glaring omission. HBO Max, for the record, likes to turn subtitles off intermittently, randomly and wildly changes the formatting, and in a particularly good joke on Westworld, decided to put the subtitle

Lay, lady, lay,

Rich people were never very great at giving a shit about the greater good. He probably thinks he’s a saint for propping up his six kids.

He’s at the age where estate planning is probably more important to him than whether Tide uses Blowin’ in the Wind in a commercial or not

A lot of Americans still wish that war had a different outcome. 

They should also probably avoid Thai and Chinese restaurants and most bakeries, including pet bakeries. If I had a child with a severe nut allergy, I’d worry about cross-contamination at ANY restaurant. I’m sure it’s terrifying and damn inconvenient, but at least with a restaurant called PB&J, they can consciously

For real. Unless the museum was previously strip-searching people on their way in, and making them change into Tyvek suits and hose down everything in their possession starting with their kids, there were already plenty of peanut particles floating around that place.

No, but the swimsuit portion is a riot.

Every single car does this automatically. It’s how defroster settings work.