
The Legion of Doom never had a plan as good as “American exceptionalism/MURICA!” is at destroying america. If, like, Scarecrow said he was gonna release a highly contagious pathogen and just tell people it was a hoax, even while it killed 250,000 people, Lex would’ve kicked him out of the LOD.

The mask goes over your mouth, not your eyes. 

Thanks for that, I can see the inside of the back of my skull now.

The AV Club’s Tiny Desk Concert series is really scraping the barrel.

it was his big swing into actual movie stardom and it worked. people may not have known his name, but they knew that movie looked cool, and they sure knew his name after seeing it.

With arsenic saaaaaaaaaauce!!!!!!!

I’d read the shit out of that. There’s so many movies that go into each year looking like they’ll own and either tank hard or disappoint badly. 

No. The innocent grandpa that sits a few chairs away will die. :(

Doesn’t help the consumer and makes things more costly. Yup, fits Apple's business model.

Show us on the doll where the royals touched you.

Normally it takes years for a vaccine to be developed. Why? Companies have to apply for funding, then they have to wait. Then they have to apply for different funding and then they have to wait. Then they submit a request for Ethical Approval, and then you wait some more, then re-submitting it, then more waiting.

Crazy, I hadn’t thought of this show in 25 years years until the other night and here it is again.

I think it’s also the “wait so you’re telling me that wizards had the ability to stop WWII but didn’t” and also “the snake that Neville heroically killed was actually an innocent person with a blood curse all along” part where the movies are just...not good.

Oops, that’s wrong . . .

The use of slow motion in the neutering scene seemed a bit gratuitous

The weird part I always confuse the two.

and in a surprise upset, the Bst R&B Albm Grmmy goes to Jthro Tll.

I don’t think all awards shows are jokes, but the Grammys absolutely are. Even the Oscars at their fuckiest are more representative of their art form than this.

I’ll explain the new artist category to you if you explain the rock & roll hall of fame nominees to me. We’ll make it a drinking game: every time we don’t know what the hell is going on or we’re talking out of our asses, we take a shot. We’ll be drunkenly telling kids to get off our lawn in no time.

I read that last name as “Teabutt” and thought it was hilariously British.