
He’s already chosen to go down fighting on Dumbass Hill for 1000 reasons, why not 1001?

I mean am I the only one that sees this as a win-win? The GOP is now trapped. They cannot do a damn thing to piss this man off because they know he will go on a tweetstorm or have some rally & demand that his cult pledge loyalty to him & him alone. The party will be destroyed and there is nothing these spineless fucks

Also, “movie narrated by pedophile” doesn’t exactly bring in the box office revenue.

Why does Hemsworth, the largest Chris, not simply eat the others?

I’m Palestinian and my wife is Jewish.

Object permanence is SOME SHIT- I’m always like, how’d you get over there when I wasn’t watching? Are you telling me things can happen when the camera isn’t on?

Taking a gun with him was a crime, a gun that he illegally purchased for the purpose of taking to the protests. The protests where he then murdered two people. That he got into a fight first, doesn’t change that he acted in known criminal manners to put himself into a place where he could shoot someone in a fight.

I had taken a lot of time off of a large swath of the internet until recently, and it's articles like this that were the catalyst for that; the opinion of Cleese is disappointing, yes, but the tone of this article is just...toxic. If this is how Barsanti is in person, he must be an absolutely exhausting and awful

Yes, they often talked about how you jerk.

I have avoided part III in all these years thanks to the less favourable reviews, so hoo-boy is that title a spoiler.

Sorry to be the one to inform you.

This time, Sonny shot first.

I don’t know if I’d call it “activist bullying,” but when social media democratizes speech, it gives us the illusion that everyone has to have an opinion on everything and that everyone’s opinion matters equally.

Godfather III: Oops, All Sofia! cut

The topic is transitioning away from trans persons per se and it is moving on to the wider topic of ‘activist bullying’ which has become so abusive that its becoming counterproductive to their respective causes. This Barstani article in particular is an example.

Yeah, except that Trump will keep tweeting 300 times a day AND the medias will keep giving each tweet a worldwide echo AND the avclub will keep reporting on each one of them.

This is where I’m at as an autistic person. I completely get the argument with race-washing, and casting cis people in trans roles, but with autism I just don’t understand it. As long as it’s sensitive towards the people it’s portraying, and those people are consulted rather than just being a caricature, I have no

Okay, so this is massively stupid. An actor’s job is, quite by definition, to portray someone/thing they’re not. Should Dustin Hoffman not have been cast in Rain Man? Was Daniel Day-Lewis the wrong choice for My Left Foot because he doesn’t actually have CP? I don’t think these films are any less effective or

Intentions aside, she is making the optically-disastrous move of not stepping back and saying nothing so everyone can wear themselves out, and instead digging in and tweeting harder.