
It’s great to see a classic story of American life be told the right way, with an Irish person, a British person and two Australians. 

A very young Joaquin Phoenix also pops up in the first season of Murder, She Wrote! 

Truly, Trump should have held his conference here. Sex shops are exactly the sort of small business that are being hurt these days, from the pandemic scaring off customers, to the realization that you can get porn for free on the Internet, to the fact that you can buy sex toys discretely online and not have to go to a

Now playing

In my head I picture the crematorium worker just listening to music and missing the whole fiasco. I’ve decided that employee was listening to -

Got dang, I can feel that recipe clogging my arteries just reading it! It sounds wonderful :)

Sorry I was looking for Fight, shit, Not Fight Club, yeah, that’s the ticket.

Probably the biggest factor I could see in Mikklesen declining this role would be purely because it would likely draw on the same style of performance he did in Hannibal. Dumbledore is like Will, the naive but intelligent guy trying to be good but slightly drawn to evil, and Grindlewald the satanic sexual

Rowling doesn’t deserve him, but the biggest problem I had with Depp’s casting as Grindewald (aside from the domestic abuse and general shittiness) was that Depp, for a guy who’s really very handsome, is kinda asexual onscreen. I never bought the idea that he and Jude Law would have the kind of chemistry that would

My birthday’s tomorrow. I will be eating my husband’s delicious patty melt casserole, having a little cake, and watching movies at home. Not going out because there’s a fucking pandemic raging across the world.

I don’t know what angers me more: the fact the kartrashian family completely ignores the fact there’s a global pandemic going on

Yeah, but I can only enjoy watching one of those and I know I didn’t buy all this popcorn for nothin.

Especially when the president is going to prison.”

Look, as a lesbian who can’t bring her girlfriend home for the holidays, I am absolutely being pandered to. And I am HERE for it. I plan on sobbing my eyes out and watching this like... as many times as possible this year.

Also, Tegan and Sara wrote a Christmas song for the soundtrack.

People on the internet are

You’re not supposed to be offended by what’s on the outside of a Bud can.

So much this. My neighbor whom I get along with and have been friends with for years is a die hard Trumptard. We agree not to talk politics because we disagree so deeply. After this election though, they reached out to me to vent, and I told them “Hey remember the rule, but if you want to talk about it ok.”

That’s clearly fraud - AOC doesn’t represent Michigan!

Interesting variation of the “cry wolf” phenomenon, these hotlines. Dump did something similar at some other point, didn’t he? Report illegal immigrants maybe, or what was it? I don’t quite remember.

“Keep spamming. We will keep changing the number.”