
But you can make an argument for why it should be okay to say “fuck” without coming across like an asshole. You cannot make an argument that women aren’t as good at being doctors as men without coming across like an asshole.

It started at the top of an escalator and ended behind a dildo shop”

I thought Jason Sudeikis and Woody Harrelson did Biden fine without leaning too far into their own personalities. I can’t imagine Beck Bennett would be much different if they want to look at the current cast.

I went shopping shortly after it was called and everyone was just in a better mood. It was like a dark cloud had been lifted. The best part was the picture of Trump going through all the people that hated his ass and having to see it. When London shoots off fireworks, Paris rings church bells and Ireland does a video

What the hell is this ghetto ass shit??

If it’s a white man, it’s played by Beck Bennet or Kate McKinnon. The boring white guys are usually Bennett, so, Bennett I guess? Alex Moffat probably looks the most like him fwiw. 

to me this reporter is all of us right now,

Yeah, pretty rude of the author to dunk on Trump supporters (like definitely not yourself, no no) feeling sad about their candidate being firmly rejected, considering how they’ve spent the past decade treating the people and planet around them with such kindness and compassion.

It must be really fulfilling for folks like him who derive so much pleasure from strangers' sorrow.

Wait you just gave me an idea to get Trump out of the White House.

There should have been legistaltion that asks people if they think mail in ballots arent a generally safe way to conduct an election. If they answer no, they dont get their tax returns or bank statements in the mail. they have to go stand in line for 2 hours to pick it up 

I’m honestly hoping he spends the next 74 days distracted by Twitter rants that grow more and more unhinged, and following all the frivolous lawsuits his campaign will be filing and subsequently losing in interesting and embarrassing ways.

Trump has lost the popular vote by *millions* both times he ran for president. He only got into the first time because he used the electoral college to win. His supporters are a minority of the people who voted, let alone a minority of the population. 

lulz... If half the nation loved that teen-raping, raw-dogging self-tanning shitstain we wouldn’t be in day 4 of the election w/ razor-thin margins btwn Cadet Bonespurs & the winner.

A law professor called Trump’s baseless lawsuits, “Tweets with a filing fee.” 

Are you lost?  This isn’t the Neutral Planet.

Build the wall, you know, for unity.

Richard Hasen, a noted elections law specialist at the University of California, Irvine Law School, told the Sentinel that all of this is “deeply stupid.”

I hope a PA Trump supporter does just that. Then perp walk the motherfucker into a courthouse on live TV.

I think they want to at least be on the payroll.