
If this movie is gonna be all “stringent quarantine procedures during a deadly viral outbreak are actually THE VILLAIN,” can this finally be what gets Michael Bay canceled?

I used to lay on the corner of my side streets in early 80's Chicago like I was dumped from a moving car. Some folks would call out if I was okay, some would speed off, but nobody ever got out. Then a cop came and dragged me to my home and my parents spanked me. Both.

Someone tell Bob Ducca about this miracle cure, stat!

Hey now Jared finally made peace in the middle east!

...there’s absolutely nothing to show for all the taxpayer money that Trump and his goons threw at this.

In other words, the Democrats are suggesting that this is all part of a scheme to use “hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for partisan political purposes ahead of the upcoming election, and to direct taxpayer funds to friends and allies of Trump Administration officials.” Thursday.

I can limit what my kids see on TV or in movies. Especially young kids. Sure as they get older they may find ways around that sorta stuff and I actually kinda consider that part of growing up and being your own person, so I am okay with it.

But those kids and, more importantly, their parents are choosing to see that. A 4-year-old driving by in a car is having it shoved in his/her face with no preparation or choice. I love my horror and shock, but I don’t love it on the street as a parent. It’s the same as people cussing at a ball game - it might be okay

That person is in the bag.

Yeah, that would definitely freak my kids out; I’d be pretty pissed if he were in my neighborhood.  It’s impressive on one level, but surely he could do something that’s both cool looking and also not going to traumatize every little kid who sees it?  One of the houses in our neighborhood has entire circus/amusement

I’m amused.

A good majority of people will not read the article and just look at the twitter headline and photo. Its evidenced by the comments and the Times knows what they are doing and should not have done it. Its the same thing as the paper in the checkout isle saying the Kennedy’s had an alien baby with an article that walks

I still like Michael Che’s joke about this. “All for the low low price of one of your feet.”

If your idea is inject them with bleach, we’ve already been down that road.

What I want out of a “McDonalds breakfast” is the egg cylinder cooked in the ring mold for the McMuffin.  Is that so hard to make an all day thing?  I’m sure it would be fine on a hamburger or chicken sandwich.

Don't do drugs kids. Imagine having to explain to your cellmate how you wound up rooming with him.

Speaking of single pancakes, when I was in grad school I used the inter-departmental mail system to send a friend of mine a single pancake in a large manila envelope. I remember hearing from the grad lounge which was just one door over from my office, “Who mailed me a pancake?!”

Q. How do you make a root beer float?

*shrugs* I’m an Albuquerque Isotopes fan.

It makes more sense when you remember that paroling is a thing.