
Spinal Tap recently did a reunion stream for PA. and Seinfeld for Texas, but I agree I wish they were spread around. I guess WI gets attention partly because the ugly political climate there in the last decade has gotten so much national attention.

To raise money for Wisconsin Republicans, whoever the cast of God’s Not Dead 2 was are getting together to watch the first fifteen minutes of it before getting up and leaving the church basement.

your standard yeasty ’nut

So apparently their solution to the problem of twenty cast members is to let them drop dead of exhaustion until only the strongest and Kenan remain?

I really do hope you are right... 

Journalists are SUPPOSED to have an adversarial relationship with the government. It’s literally why you dummies have a fucking first amendment. You want stenographers? Hire fucking stenographers.

You should be embarrassed by your comment honestly. 

Yeah, the questions aren’t tough for Biden, because the fucker prepares. Trump seems to want journalists to coddle him, and he throws a tantrum every time they dare to ask him an actual question. Nothing says manly like throwing a temper tantrum like a toddler because you were asked “Ok, so that’s your plan, so how

Anyone has the right to debate the president. That is whole point of the Declaration of Independence. Yes, I know that isn’t a law, but it’s a principle that is echoed in the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights.

Do it up like the original colonizers and eat lobster, venison, fish, and other fowl! If it moves, eat it and thank your invisible deity lest they strike you down!

You got any gum?

Every time I think, this has got to be the one. This is the one that will make his deluded followers see that obviously this isn’t a strong man. Obviously this isn’t a wise man. You wouldn’t even let this guy watch your dog for the weekend, let alone the nuclear launch codes. Only a coward would think an interviewer

It’s not that they asked Joe Biden easy questions so much as when Joe Biden gets asked a tough question he doesn’t visibly fold like a damn card table.

Would you like to buy a monkey?

Scot Baio’s Twitter comeback doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it could have been seen as a gentle ribbing among celebrities, and everyone would have moved on. What’s kind of hilarious is that Baio kind of ruins the whole thing by blowing up much later because clearly Stamos got under his skin.

While they’re at it, the goobers could also bone up on Smith’s Wealth Of Nations, especially the part where he advocates for a strong regulatory state.

Only then will they figure out that Kimmy Gibbler is more of a Trotskyite.

Swear to fucking God, Marx should be required reading if only so people will actually know what the fuck they’re talking about when they truck it out.

Gotta love the Trump humpers. Nothing like doubling down on outright lies. The Biden camp condones rioting? Um, no. Everyone to the left of Trump is a socialist and Marxist? Also no. For crying out loud, Biden is a corporate centrist and probably would’ve been a Republican during the Eisenhower era. These clowns keep