
You know the streaming industry is fucked when the most exiting Netflix releases are Jeopardy reruns and “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan”

The union must have agreed to the rule about avoiding political or religious discussions, so they already agreed that is not a violation of their first amendment rights.

I keep it real through a kinetoscope.

I think so. Dreamland was weakest of the coma seasons. I rather liked both Danger Island (season 9, basically a Tales of the Gold Monkey/Indiana Jones homage) and Archer:1999 (season 10; SF by way of the Alien franchise).

That’s exactly why I’m shopping for the smallest turkey I can find. I made a 12 pound turkey for my family of four last spring. It produced a reasonable amount of leftovers for eating for a couple of days, and left a decent amount to put in the freezer which we used at a later time. 

Also, needless to say, Jared Leto is a douchebag who should be fired into the sun.

Oh my God I will literally pay someone not to ever have to hear about this thing again

Joker is an elastic character. There have been a bunch of different takes on him with various degrees of success and failure (I’m partial to Heath Ledger and John Dimmagio).

Wow, almost a whole year of waiting to not give a fuck.

People have been turned away for wearing BLM shirts in other states, though the poll-workers that did it were fired later as it was not allowed, but there’s a good chance those turned away did not return to vote later in the day.

So, this is actually an area of active lobbying in the US, just with a different product.

I’m just not going to go in to work for a couple weeks! I can afford that...

Remember when we thought this would be over by summer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I’m voting in Florida tomorrow. Wearing my Marine Corps cap and this:

Wear it, but have another t-shirt on underneath so if a MAGAbastard does try to raise a fuss, you can simply take it off while voting. Push the limits, but have a fallback plan so you don’t get bounced entirely. Make a bit of a fuss before you do take it off, a loud one, just so that it doesn’t seem like your are

Also: would this be, like, “American Bubble Tea”?

It doesn’t sterilize somebody that already had it. But more than likely, the number of people that leave with the virus will be equal to the number that arrived with it.

I think the issue was in using the 44 cases in 1.2 billion statistic, without any scientific rigor in coming up with that number. I don’t think the part of the study with 300 simulated coughs is being called into question. Also, it was not clear if the 44 cases in 1.2 billion statistic was in the study or just part

I will go toe-to-toe with anyone who doubts the worth-watching-when-it’s-on-iness of So I Married An Axe Murderer.

Woody? Woody Harrelson? It’s great to see you out and ab...