
Except that’s not at all a judge’s responsibility. A judge is an umpire. Their job is to call balls and strikes, not make managerial decisions for one or both teams.

I agree that being “more comfortable just calling Rick or Susan” is very possibly shorthand for a raft of deeper issues, but regardless, Yes, we definitely saw improvement in the metrics and in junior associates’ feedback for each of the following 4 quarters (after which I left the firm).  Pretty likely that just

Wait, really? I totally forgot that.

Even if that’s not why he was fired, that sounds a bizarely anti-child workplace. I’ve worked with adamantly childfree and chatty child-having people, and even if they bitched behind each other’s backs about their different choices, they were always decent humans to their face.  What the hell are these comments?  What

It’s the color, isn’t it?

Am I the only one who thinks his mask looks like a repurposed jockstrap?

But a lobster roll is a ROLL. ;)

And what haunts me, is that in all the faces of all the bears that Treadwell ever filmed, I discover no kinship, no understanding, no mercy. I see only the overwhelming indifference of nature. To me, there is no such thing as a secret world of the bears .... except WW2 Polish bears obviously, they were great”

When I worked at a law firm in Toronto — frequently ranked by National Geographic as the world’s most multicultural city, and one where something like 40% of residents don’t speak English at home — we figured out that a lot of very talented junior lawyers with non-Anglo names weren’t getting asked to work on the

That’s a lot of words just to say the guy is a dick. :)

Typo-shaming is pretty shitty, but I really have to wonder what autocorrect thing gave us “Ropinion Williams”.

(He means ‘Fuck you’. That’s what he meant there)

I know there’s a lot of baffling stuff quoted here, but I can’t get past the person who thinks it’s unremarkable to give beer to horses.

I felt she shined more in digital shorts than live comedy.  The naked and afraid with Peter Dinklage was hilarious and all her segments with Kyle and Colin always worked for me. 

But you don’t have to fire someone just because they violated their contract. That’s an inane adherence to technicality.

In related news, Tatiana's audition for Sha Na Na went great!

Oven rack?

I think that guy in the second part of the ad might be Steve Ryan, culty-est-ly known as J. Walter Weatherman in Arrested Development.

I had two dorm mates at UC Santa Barbara in 1981. Their drink of choice was generic rum and Tab. Let’s pour one out for Marla and Nancy.