
We'll be sure to inform him and Lorne.

True, but the key difference between James and Snape, is James grew up.  In their final year, James dropped a lot of that ego, and THAT was when Lily warmed up to him.  

ALL pizza is pretty good if it has a crust and plenty of melty cheese...

I’m not surprised. Even Manson had his groupies.

Mike Pence is an early Westworld host.

Well, flies are attracted to big piles of shit.

Standing guard at a propaganda mural is really not the same as protecting buildings where people work and live. If the GF mural gets a little messed up no one is going to lose their means to support or shelter their family or themselves.

“She Left Me Cuz Me and My Dog Picked Up Corona In My Pickup (I Want Her Back More Than I Want Hydroxychloroquine), Part II”

This. I know a lot about the case due to true crime podcasts covering it. The trailer was chilling enough for me to nope out for now.  I want stand-up, Schitt’s Creek, The Good Place, etc. for now. 

Two weeks ago an entire group of “pro-life” people met at the White House and gave each other a deadly disease because wearing masks and staying a few feet apart is Nazi Germany or something.

I yelled at my ballot, “Alexa, I’m voting for Kanye West!”  Did I do it wrong?

I saw Sarah Silverman trending on Twitter for this ad, with some right-wingers saying her nakedness makes the Democrats into the Degenerates. One of the biggest upshots of these past 4 years has been how people who constantly preached about morality in society were actually the biggest hypocrites. For them, power was

add this to my growing list of “interesting documentaries that are WAY too heavy to watch knee-deep in a pandemic and possibly democracy-killing election cycle”.

There is nothing wrong with men crying. Stop acting like its a mental disorder to have feeling and maybe we won’t have so many shitty assholes in the world.

Or you just keep doing what you were doing before until your 3 million fans wander off from boredom?  Most people would love to be a mascot even for a little while, but it’s not like they don’t have a choice.  

And he donated everything he was paid. I’m guessing he didn’t quite make boatloads from the cancelled The Tick, better off than many perhaps, but not Chalamet/Fanning/Law/Gomez amounts of entertainment success.

He’s not impressed with Trump’s first term but he’s still undecided.

That was my first thought. Flashbacks to Oprah’s free car debacle come to mind.

He was basically in the studio as a session player that day. He was more likely happy to do it for the chance to work with Quincy Jones.

Honestly, I came to Beat It through Eat It. The exploding guitarist, wheeling out gang members on dollies, Al fogging up the camera breathing hard into it . . .