
Walking tacos are not tacos.

Ask the electorate.

Jodie Foster has acted in 1 movie since coming out and it had a budget of $15M. Stewart is bisexual.

IMO the League would be better on something like HBO or Amazon Prime.  

In the field I think it has always been accepted that sleep when you can, eat when you can is a priority. However, if you are in a leadership or rear echelon position it is basically sleep never.

Who would Sherlock Holmes even team up with? Himself from other adaptations?

That photo-op says it all. You can tell The Great Gaspy is desperate for attention and self-validation, because he almost collapsed after that relatively quick sprint to the balcony.

Giardia?! Where were you eating? A pond behind a beaver dam?

Who was using those parking spaces in the first place? Probably diners. Self solving problem, reduce the capacity of the restaurant, which in turn reduces the need for parking, add in the large portion of the population who simply isn’t interested in dining out right now and it sorta sorts itself out. 

Now we have to go shopping carrying around a whole severed hand and not just a thumb?

I know it’s dumb, but the logic of this always bugs me (see also Wreck-It Ralph). Ryan Reynolds’ character is code, so if he’s glitching, can’t they just reset him. If he has free will and consciousness where does that possibly exist? It’s a soul and mind put into a few lines of code?

Please be here next weak for my

Fuck this shit.  This President has zero respect for people he sees as his enemies.  He attacks them if they are sick or well, dead or alive.  I am not wishing he dies of this but I am going to call out anyone who thinks we should put the “kid gloves” on right now “Because he is sick”.    Fuck Trump

Please specify which alleged rapist in the debate you are speaking about.”

The one who brags about it.

Not the good way to do this.

You don’t host your state RNC heads? 


I wouldn’t use that to serve honored guests, and I don’t often host parties for Nazis and Grifters.

If you’re disappointed in that, you should see 2020!

Something something more like “boner party,” amirite?