
This is the 2020 reboot of Edgar Allen Poe’s Mask of the Red Death. Entitled pricks hiding in a bubble thinking they beat the “rona”. Only to have it show up to the party. “Fuck you Bitches! There are no walls that can stop me!” 

If this COVID bloom somehow manages to derail the right wing machine enough to keep the Supreme Court spot from being filled until next year, it’ll be the US political history version of the Immaculate Reception. I don’t know how I feel about Pittsburgh adding a statue of the virus to our airport though. 

Why not just, I dunno, hire more security people if you’re so concerned with ballot security?

Old, obese, low income, living in publicly funded housing? This does not look so good for Trump.

Let’s all take a moment of silence for the WaPo social media guy who, on Thursday night, probably thought “Whelp, all done schedule posts! And early for once! Now, better get to bed early since I’m leaving for a relaxing and long-overdue long weekend away at my wife’s uncle’s house with spotty internet service out on

They just need to enhance 142 to 186, track left 45, stop.

You’re probably the Federal level. However, neither the President, the DoJ, nor Congress can prevent a state from prosecuting (or issue a pardon if they convict), and NY, even under Cuomo (perhaps especially under Cuomo, as there seems to be personal animosity), seems to have an extremely large burr under

this joke we can chekhov the list.

It’s funny, I used to think that a lot of the politicians who I’m ideologically opposed to were people who were principled, just a (very) different set of principles than mine. Their willingness to fall in with Trump, no matter how patently awful and evil his words and actions get, however, has shown me that no, most

As opposed to Chekov’s Run:

But Bush also didn't commit millions of dollars in tax fraud on top of being blackmailed by a foreign government for fucking up multiple business for decades. Trump has some very evident crimes in his folder

let’s be kind to the man who thinks kindness and vulnerability are weaknesses to be mocked and exploited, to appease a bunch of hypocritical shitbags who mock liberals for being horrified at imprisoning immigrant children but will pounce on any liberal for daring to wonder aloud if maybe he’s just faking having

By all means, let’s be kind to the man who never has been.

Well, it’s not like they had room to put all the names of the people who actually paid taxes so this could happen on a letter.

I don’t want him to die because then he’d never see the inside of a federal prison. I wish him a long, humiliating life behind bars, addled for years with painful and disfiguring health complications.

“This move by the Trump Administration is illegal and immoral.”

I have the battery powered TouchPad locks. The batteries last over 1 year and when we leave the house to go for a walk, we don’t need to take keys. Also my wife has the push button start in her car, so this eliminates having to have keys out of her purse.

I always wonder how this goes down too. Does the star tell people on set not to make eye contact? Does their manager get it written in the contract? Is it just an unspoken rule like you just get a vibe with some people that you shouldn’t look them in the eye? 

With extras, it sound really crappy, but I can sort of understand it.