
What the hell? I seriously cannot understand the thinking here. Children need smaller portions, and parents shouldn’t have to pay more for dishes that are going to go largely uneaten by kids. Some kids menus are fun to look at, some kids menus help kids learn to make choices for themselves without getting overwhelmed

BTTF 1, and 2 but not 3???

Zack Snyder did the same thing, only his is called Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

We order off the kids menu for our son mainly for portion size. If he’s only going to take a few bites, might as well not spend $15 on a whole meal.

I can’t deny the resemblance, but I was thinking of Sam as Denethor.

People who are pressed for time can easily eat healthy. Every supermarket sells prepackaged salads, or if they want to save money, pre-cleaned greens. Same with protein. You can get pre-cooked chicken cubes that don’t cost much more than raw chicken.

Ignorance of ingredients might be one reason, but he makes it seem like it’s the sole reason, which it absolutely is not.
I do give Whole Food credit as per the first part of the quote above:

BTW, Kinja, rot in hell you stupid excuse for a site, popping a full page add up while in the middle of typing a comment is beyond annoying.

My wife got me a subscription last year. I love that there’s an index to the recipes near the front—very useful. Every issue really is packed with recipes, too.

After I got out of college and had a year or two to myself, I actively started dating and even, controversial for the time, started using online dating. This was around 2003, so their was much more stigma back then.

Exactly! White people voice Carl like this, but Black people voice Carl like THIS.

Any many “protein bars” are just candy bars in disguise.

There’s the rub.  OJ has as much and sometimes more sugar than the coke it’s going to replace.  Same with protein bars and candy bars.  Healthy chips don’t exist.  Sure, these options are marginally healthier but they’re not the problem here.  

I wonder what foods the ordinance consider to be junk and what are not?

They aren’t, but I also don’t think banning it is the right move. 

There’s got to be a better way!

You know, I’m descended from 7 Mayflower passengers (as I love to point out to these fuggin America Firsters), Revolutionary War soldiers and slaves and it kills me when people get all “this person isn’t a citizen because...”

Racism. Not just for the intellectual fascist.

Trump put up something on his twitter about her and there were idiots saying “Send her back to the Middle East!”

i have stopped watching david chang. he started off a bit jerky, then as he relaxed you could see who he really is. he’s a dick. with a big ego.