
I probably wont see it but Flula Borg and Steve Agee landing roles in something huge like this is hilarious and cool

Brittany is not ‘out of control’. She is not disabled. She goes to work, does that work and takes care of her private shit.

Its because the show has endlessly rewatchable value —— trying to prove that J.B. Fletcher is the murderer in every episode.

Damn, someone finally got a shot of Aunt Becky looking sinister. Well done.

What a price to pay to get a your dimwit child into a school they didn’t even want to attend.

Wow, thanks for that.

I’m Canadian; is this one of those “real or The Onion” games? (I’m not sure which answer I’m hoping for.)

Those are two people that perpetually look as stupid as they are- Palin, perpetually looking like she’s lecturing teens in a Walmart parking lot; Carlson, perpetually confused about what anyone is saying, including himself.

You know that white dude is 1/16th Cherokee on his mom’s side. She told him so. If he’s not offended then clearly no Native Americans are offended. Never mind that I once went to see the Indians play the Royals in KC and there were a lot of offended Native Americans outside.

I think I speak for everyone when I say, this was still on???

You overestimate their base.

Cheeseheads are doughty and resilient people,

The C in vitamin C stands for cuck! You stopped because some egghead doctor told you? This is why the frogs are turning Democrat!

Last season they started swapping out hosts and I felt like that was the sign of it ended soon. Part of what made the show work was Waters was really good at getting the drinks back on track of the story.  

It’s seltzer.

The U.S. is famously a death-denying country...

To be fair, they are both movies starring actors who are nutcases in real life.

City folk. What did you expect.