
*just careful if you’re using condoms*

Hypocritical control freak is a core GOP value.

Yep, it’s just like the trans-bathroom narrative thing— “women and girls are being sexually assaulted!” is the reason they’re giving, but they don’t give one single flying fuck about rape/sexual assault either. Unless it can be used for their purposes.

They are. I also assume that’s where this woman’s debt came from.  I really wish Jezebel would do a long piece about MLMs since they’re very anti-woman but mostly funded by women. 

MLMs are a fucking scourge.

Do you have kids?  Take whatever your overall levels of stress is and dial it up at least 50% when you find out another is on the way. For men, dial it up 75%. For controlling men already disposed to violence, dial it up to 110%, in the best of circumstances. 

I also have not seen any evidence from any news room that the ignore POC womens’ murder because they do not care about POC women. Any evidence either way will be appreciated.”

The right doesn’t give a single flying fuck about the actual woman who got killed. They only care about her inasmuch as they can use her as a pawn.

I just wish there was some way to do both this and pap smears that wasn’t so damn invasive. Like yeah, I get it. There’s really no other way to do this that makes any sense. But at the same time getting my cervix scraped makes me feel sick to my stomach for a couple of days afterward and speculums fucking hurt.

My understanding is that it may be traced to a few things—

The strangling part is what makes me the sickest. That’s a really intimate way to kill someone, looking at their face while you feel the life go out of them. Truly heinous.

I can only give my opinion as a social worker who’s worked with DV survivors and their abusers, not any actual research, but I think it definitely is a control thing. Pregnancy is largely out of men’s hands. Even if he wants a child, he’s not the one growing and nurturing and bonding with that baby for 40 weeks. She

I feel like this particular murder struck me harder than most because as much as I always say to myself “they don’t always look like the type” (my father didn’t look like the type either), this guy DIDN’T LOOK LIKE THE TYPE. He looks like a dude I’d swipe a hard right on. And he didn’t use a gun, he was capable of

What makes you think that’s why the press doesn’t talk about the murder of women of color? I have never seen any evidence to support that position. 

Shanann Watts’ body was found on the property of Anadarko Petroleum, authorities said. And the girls’ bodies were in an “oil well filled with crude oil for several days,” Chris Watts’ attorneys indicated in a court filing.

Yes - Nurx! I did everything through the app and it literally could not be easier. I filled out a questionnaire, picked the pill I’ve been using for years and know works for me, and now they just send me a 3 month’s supply automatically and it goes through my insurance. It simply could not be simpler. If it’s

Theres an app for this! I don’t use it personally but I remember researching it for a bit. I think it might only be available in certain states. But it lets you order birth control online without an in person dr visit.

I have no advice I just want to say that I also really really hate that. 

What can we do about docs who want to examine your vag annually to renew your birth control? Friends, give me your best doctor apps for this.

I don’t use it a lot in cooking so I don’t know if it helps me or not, but it is amazing on my skin. I’ve always had issues with my skin, from eczema to lichen amyloidosis. After years of regular doctor visits & prescriptions, I tried just using unrefined coconut oil on my skin twice a day and within 6 months my skin