
She just kept saying, “you don’t understand”. Which is true, in fairness.

Only if you check for it: blood tests are run to look for specific things, so if the person at the lab isn’t told to look for estrogen, they won’t.

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Flames. Flames on the side of my face.

This clickbait title has gone too far. I thought Disney was going to put out ANOTHER live action Beauty and the Beast where Momoa was going to play Gaston.

I lived in the UK for four years and have dated 3 Brits.  The English, especially the upper class, really TRULY have a massive superiority complex towards the US.  I would not be at all surprised if Meghan entered into this a bit naively with regards to that.  I was surprised at how pervasive it was.  I would not

I don’t understand why being a lifestyle blogger is something that should be looked down upon. Kate’s family has a business selling party supplies. Is that really all that more sophisticated than lifestyle blogging?

Congratulations, you are today’s contestant on my game show, Incel or Misanthrope?

I think that sometimes Americans don’t fully grasp how misogynist, racist, snobbish, dishonest and downright malicious some of our newspapers are.

Framing motherhood as voluntary is fairly problematic for a lot of reasons, not least of which is the tricky economic/policy situation that sub-replacement birth rates result in, and framing the prioritization of family over career in service of motherhood comes perilously close to equivalency with the former. I think

I do believe that pitting two women against one another is a lazy and dangerous narrative, just as I believe British tabloids skew racist. All of this being said, everything about Kate Middleton bores me to tears. 

Or they didn’t want to live in the same palace as their extended family?

I’m just not sure why anyone would assume they’d always live at Kensington anyway? He’s never going to be King, so if the option to live somewhere with a little more privacy were available, why wouldn’t they take it? I thought they used to live in a separate cottage before they got married, is there some protocol that

Is there a law I’m unaware of that says sisters-in-law have to get along? They may be cordial but have not a lot in common, or just aren’t crazy about each other. I 100% get that. Doesn’t mean either is a nightmare bitch.

I read this theory on twitter that they aren’t actually beefing at all but are using all of this to cover up the fact that megan and harry had threats made against them and that’s why they had to move. Idk though.

I hear what you are saying and there is a recent article making the rounds that evaluates the wage gap as a ‘motherhood penalty’. Two comments on that assessment: 1). Do women choose to leave their careers to focus on their families or are women expected to choose between their careers and their families when men are

I’m not so sure women are less likely to go into certain high-paying industries. I selected my undergraduate major - economics - based on data showing the qualification yielded one of the highest entry-level salaries. I applied for over 300 jobs with custom cover letters and resumes, attended networking events like

Until it gets better, forever.

That is a f##king lazy-assed student!!!

Someone plagiarized from my college paper for his MA! Six years later I finally called his school and confronted him via email. The bastard threatened to sue me after they revoked his masters!