
This version is just all sorts of bad

I prefer to have closed captioning on at all times. Sometimes TV/movie sound mixing is bad and it makes it hard for me to hear things (I’m not hard of hearing). I just prefer not to miss any of the dialogue because of loud sound effects or people talking over each other. But whoever gets upset at deaf people

I’m so glad that someone else thought that this was Aubrey

Bump because I’m also curious about this

Can someone please explain to me how same-sex marriage allegedly is unconstitutional? Cause as a rational human being, I’m just not seeing it.

They’re not half siblings. She’s his aunt.

My boyfriend’s sister is obsessed with the Kardashian’s. She asked for one of these waist trainers for Christmas just because it’s the one Kim wears. I don’t get the appeal at all.

She didn’t do anything to deserve it. No one deserves to be killed, especially in front of their own children.