
Ask me after the sentencing.

Michael Cohen entered into a plea deal today too. Could the moral arc of the universe finally be bending toward justice? 

This poor woman. She honestly did her best to be professional, and Watt kept trying to make this into something it was not. Not to mention... $70,000 less than her predecessor!? What the hell, how do you even begin to justify that?


Yeah white pop star who was at her most relevant in the 80s and 90s seems like a really weird pick to honor an African American soul queen who came to prominence in the 60s and 70s.*

Also, fuck her dress, no matter how much she LOVES it.

In all the years I have known about the existence of this Madonna person, I have never heard her compliment another musical artist without the caveat “she/he reminds me of me.” The highest compliment she can bestow. Any and all tributes to others are always in essence about her. I don’t hate her, I can’t work up

Narcissists gonna narcissist.

I guarantee she could have done a tribute to Aretha,noted highlights of her life and career, her virtuosity, from soul to opera, to singing at an Inauguration of President Obama, and how she remained an inspiration and icon. (Do not miss her singing Nessun Dorma at the Grammys).

“Blew Chunks”

Why do you need to tell HER that? And why focus on Tran, if you thought the whole movie was bad? HMMMM?

I just do not get this hot take. She was fine? The subplot on the casino planet needed more time in development before being committed to script, but I don’t know where anyone gets to the point of excoriating that someone’s performance “blew chunks”. That’s just rude. This reads exactly the same as the treatment Jake

Give it a rest. If you have anything to say about the movie, direct it to Rian Johnson or Kathleen Kennedy or JJ Abrams or Lucasfilm or Disney themselves. They are the ones who made this movie possible. Kelly Marie Tran played her role well. You just didn’t like the story her character went in, but she had zero to do

If this is your response to her harassment and her response, you’re the one who is trash. Also: IT’S A KID’S MOVIE! STFU! 

Yeah I don’t think a column called “Dirt Bag” is the appropriate place to discuss Tran’s op-ed at all.

Of course jutsrdtrjdjdty knew that and was being purposely obtuse in order to make sure we all heard his Very Important Views on space opera characters. 

This came up when Tran was on the cover; Liu was on the third foldout page of the Hollywood issue (Zhang Zyi made it to the second page the following year). Tran is the first Asian woman to be on the cover-cover, so to speak. 

You guys don’t think Tran’s op-ed deserved its own article? Seems a little diminishing to stick it in amongst Pete Davidson pics. Not to mention making us look at pics of Pete Davidson, someone I never wanted to see that up close.

That Kelly Marie Tran article is really powerful (I thought the part about her parents was really meaningful) but I’m pretty sure she’s not the first Asian woman to be on the cover of Vanity fair? A quick google shows Lucy Liu on the 2004 Hollywood cover. Doesn’t detract from the piece, but shouldn’t the Times have

After decades of debate, the last few years have proven that Trekkies are a better fanbase than us Star Wars folks. Large portions of both fanbases were unhappy with the new film adaptations, but only one side went so far as to harass and threaten people so much they had to quit social media.