
Netflix never manages to recommend me shows I actually want to watch, either. I’ve watched every season of “Call the Midwife” at least 3 times, but do they tell me when there’s new episodes? Nope, never. But they’ll certainly email me to let me know “Always Sunny” has a new season! Even though I hate that show!

I know, right? Fucking sheep with their herd mentality, screwing shit up for the rest of us.....

I really appreciate all the players’ commitment to this narrative in service to press for their upcoming wedding movie.

It’s still stupid bullshit. And why the fuck do I need an episode to start playing immediately when I’m scrolling through a list to see which one I want to watch? What sense does that make?

Actually, it’s not fine the way it is, they need to stop that damn auto-play shit that happens if you hover over an episode or title for more than two seconds. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

Amazon already does this, and it’s super annoying. If I didn’t check out the show when you had it plastered all over the top of your app, I’m not going to when you interrupt the shows I’m actually trying to watch.

I swear to Dog, I will start flipping tables and setting things ON FIRE if this becomes an all-the-time thing. I’m already irritated by the preview thingies starting if I linger too long while browsing. Ugh. Netflix. Stop. You’re fine the way you are, man.

I work in market research for broadcast television. We get distribution lists every month and even though Vertical Entertainment isn’t one of the distributors on it, it IS listed in our CS database. All of our companies use it so if a Product is featured in print, radio, online, or broadcast, it’ll be in the database.

Cinema Snob saw it so he could review it. It was not a positive review.

This movie made less money on opening weekend than United Passions - the FIFA movie about how awesome Sepp Blatter and FIFA are. That movie made $319 on opening weekend, and it cost $30 million. No worries because FIFA financed almost all of it.

Even if you’re the sort of person who believes that we should have aggressive border protection, how is it anyone can support an organization that can’t even be bothered to be decent human beings?

This shit is ridiculous and has got to stop. This is not justice for anyone on any level. I’m becoming more and more embarrassed that this is my country.

Ugh. Breastfeeding moms will do anything for attention. We get it. We get it. 


Saw her across a hallway at college, and a voice said, “You’re going to marry her.”

I’m on my first day of my period right now and cramping SO HARD. I agree with this Sophie Turner person. Whenever I feel like crying, my next thought is what day of the month is it?

I’m not here to body shame, but dude, the pants are too tight. 

Re: Knowing when you meet the one.
Well, I can’t say anything about Grande’s love at first sight moment, but I can say I had one when I first saw my one and only, Mr. UrbanAchiever. A mutual friend had a b&w image of Mr. UA, and showed it to me. And I swear, bells went off in my head. We met a couple of weeks later in

Anyone else having flashbacks to your friends' high school relationships with these two? 

Petiana is adorable, and I really wish those crazy kids all the best. I hope they enjoy this first blush of pure joy...because there is no way this relationship lasts more than two years, tops.