
Oh they can’t figure out who denied them entry? Those officials are assigned to that duty and are paid for their time, I’d start with whomever does the scheduling/payroll. And if it were actually true that they don’t know who is working there on any given day or time, wouldn’t that itself be a massive security issue?

I have a lot of questions about how someone thinks they are getting from Fenway to Park Slope in an uber in 3-4 hours

Imagine being the person who married the ugliest one out of all the Trumps.

I am loving that it seems like Omarosa taped every goddamn conversation for the past 2 years lololololol

It's also kind of shitry that he asked her at all. They have four weeks left of time to spend just as a couple and he's running off to a concert? He had to know this was a dumb thing to request and also puts her in the position of being the bad guy. 

That is what honestly shocks me the most here. Everyone knew what Omarosa was about, everyone. And one of the reasons they knew that was because of who she was during and directly after the Apprentice. The show there people were involved with.

If she’s ever watched Omarosa in action, she never would have trusted her in the first place.

He did, and she initially told him no. So, even though post-OTR show she was more open to it, she probably doesn’t want him to go. Not really. But, he was never honestly on the fence about this decision—he was always going to go to this show. He looked to the hivemind with the specific goal of rationalizing going

The biggest red flag is seeing Pearl Jam EIGHTEEN times.

The last question is the most important one.

This confirms my suspicion that white parents who live in Park Slope are the fucking worst.

Thanks for saving me a copy and paste. Exactly this. His stance is completely reasonable.

Not long after that interview, Dominic West publicly supported Wilson’s comments and said he’d take a pay cut for a woman co-star on an indie project “as long as resources are limited.” West told Variety, “But in a long-running TV show money is not a problem and there’s no excuse for it.” Hmm, okay.

Exactly. There are lots of valid reasons to live with your parents as an adult, but “I can’t afford my own place because I’m getting my ass sued off for being a Nazi” is not one of them.

Normally, it would be a dick move to laugh at someone for living at home in their thirties, or mock one’s financial pickle. But Kessler is a virulent racist behind the Charlottesville, Virginia Unite the Right where Heather Heyer was killed after a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters. So

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask... except for his mother, apparently.

How incredibly perfect!

Exactly.  If I’m looking for baked goods and I check Yelp or Google or whatever and see “This baker refuses to serve certain people cause he’s a ‘Christian’”, then I’ll take my business elsewhere.  If he goes out of business, then sucks to be him.

So she only went to this cake shop to troll him, right? And maybe see if she could entrap him in another legal case?

You left out the worst FB comment from a lovely person named David Williams, who says “you know we have open hunting season on them kind. Ain’t no bag limit in them either.”