
Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.

I’m sure these assholes’ children are just delights to be around too. Hopefully social services can step in and remove them from a toxic environment with such unfit parents. There may be hope for them yet.

Stoneman Douglas will run 10 Code Red drills each school year, which teachers worry could trigger anxiety in their students.

Those poor kids. I hope they find a sense of normalcy as time goes on.

I am on these dating apps and several times the men have complained about how the younger girls don’t have anything interesting to talk about/are vapid. I am 35 so the men are in their 30s. I am like you don’t get to complain since you have the age range set that low.

That whole “but men are biologically programmed to seek out healthy child-bearers, it’s totally natural!” thing is made of 100% pure organic side-eye. 

It is not unbelievable for a young man, which is what NobleRenard is, which is why I don’t think his opinion is all that valuable.

When I was online dating in my mid-30s (with, say, a 35-45 interest range) I would immediately ignore any guy who self-reported a similar age and desired women 18+ or 18-25. The difference between 35 and 45 is doable. 35/40/45 and 18? 20? 25? What do these people talk about on dates? I totally imagine this -- 

Why is it so unbelievable to think that a man could find a woman his own damn age attractive?

never-maturing dudebros who always target teens because women their age know better than to deal with their shit.

I think that there must be staggering methodology problems with this study. If not, are men really “gross, delusional, hypocritical,” if their sexual desirability peaks at age 50? Let’s cut the crap, men are not at their hottest at age 50. It is just that this study was based on how many messages you receive. And men

The thing I do not get is that, like, do these peoples’s tastes not change with age? I mean, when I was a teenager I thought teenagers were objectively the hottest group . When I was in my mid-20s, I thought women in their mid-20s were objectively the hottest. Now that I’m in my early 30s, I think women in their early

Anytime i see a dude mention theyre interested in women “18 and older” i wonder if there werent legal structures in place, what that age really would be. Men have controlled so much in society, theyve actually tricked themselves into thinking 18yr old women with older men is a super common, normal occurrence and they


Remember to vote in November. It won’t solve anything, but it’ll at least be a start. We can go from there.

Anyone who still goes to a Catholic Church, and puts money in the collection plate, should be ashamed. It’s just supporting a vast criminal enterprise.

70 years?! 70?! Decades of not just complacency but actual, malicious shuffling of repeat offenders off into the anonymous margins so they could offend elsewhere?

And yet Cool Pope still has the temerity to say that trans folks go against his god’s plan.

I tease my mom all the time saying that the catholic church has the longest ongoing criminal conspiracy the world has ever seen. This should be a RICO Act case (if it’s not already).

Time to RICO the entire Catholic church: jail their mafiosos in the US, put out interpol warrants for the rest, and liquidate all assets within the US.