
I sometimes wonder if the failure rate of the pill is so high because its prescribed so, so widely and its uncertain how well it works for fat women. Lack of confidence that the pill was truly effective for my >175lb body is the only reason I explored other options.

I’ve said it once & I’ll say it again. The best drug-free, barrier-free method is a vasectomy. Suck it up, men!

I bet she said No to someone she “shouldn’t have” or showed some independent thought/speech, and this was retribution.

Yeah, I think it’s weird that everybody forgot that the reason this started is because that fool had a drinking problem and let it escalate into a physical altercation. Instead everybody’s like, “gawd why is she so unpleasant????”

I disagree.  Not everyone wants their families dirty laundry laid out in public, especially when they have children.

This frustrates me, a lot. I took a class on Holocaust literature and film way back in 1999, and the teacher — herself a Holocaust survivor — said at the beginning of the class that we’d be reading some awful stuff, and that she’d had students who had difficulty dealing with the subject matter. She gently suggested

I think yeah maybe there should be something. I have def written off certain books because I read the summary knowing i’m going to be triggered. Best solution I can think of is almost a rating type thing with movies. While the system is flawed it will say specific things next to the rating for why.

One thing (out of many) that frustrates me about the anti-trigger warning people is that they don’t understand that often trigger warnings don’t mean a person won’t read the book, it means they can prepare themselves for the trigger so they’re not taken by surprise.

I mean, she clearly has NO idea what she’s talking about and sounds pretty confused by it all, so I’m struggling to hate.

I think she was canceled and is now in syndication. 

Nobody is calling him Jimmy Saville, that man was a literal rapist and the devil incarnate. But it’s not great, and it’s worse because he’s Paul Walker. When it’s some middling dude with no prospects who winds up with a 16 year old because they’re impressionable and fall or an older man then while it is creepy and

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

Now playing

I can’t explain why I love this Vine so much but I just do. Behold:

Kermit doing Usher deserves an honourable mention. 

Two Bros Chillin’ in a Hot Tub was robbed. 

It’s missing “I Coulda Dropped My Croissant,” but I agree.

Being in charge and knowing what you’re supposed to do and not do is the epitome of white male privilege. That’s literally the opposite of how management and power are supposed to work.

That is literally what Lena Dunham says whenever she gets caught with her foot in her mouth.

I really did not know what I was responsible for as the boss.”

He is learning?!?!