
Excuiise me? Where to start. So first things first: your transphobic image. I will give you the benefit of the doubt as an expat, but that image you shared is making fun of a famous local trans woman for having an opinion on abortion, which she’s entitled to. If you don’t quite get Argentine humor yet, the whole “filos

I just want to see Statham in a wet suit?

Just a reminder; Peter Benchley, the author of Jaws, felt so bad about the fact that his book (but mainly the movie) played such a large role in the subsequent animus towards sharks and the subsequent hunting/killing of them, that he devoted the rest of his life in philanthropic efforts to save them

How long until we find the first mass grave?

Maybe the driver worried that his insurance premiums would go up if he reported the crash. Don’t want to miss out on that GEICO safe driver discount.

Jez writers have been trying to make “hating James Corden” a thing forever, despite the fact that 95% of Jez’s readership feels like he’s perfectly genial (not to mention a solid ally). It’s not clear where the animosity comes from but it’s awkward.

Counterpoint: Carpool Karaoke is fun and nice. See: Sir Paul McCartney and Adele episodes, among others.

He doesn’t give a shit about World Peace or preventing war, so.... Trump is not the father of that tweet.

I agree this is not Trump.  No random capitalisation and includes a word of four syllables.

These bags are the fucking worst, even for groceries. Anything that is not a watermelon will get snagged/stuck/poke through the loose mesh.

Does shit not fall through the holes?

They also shrink when washed and tossed in the dryer, and they get caught on EVERYTHING! Buttons, doors, the person next to you...

Does JDepp buy his jewelry by the pound?

People have always been brands, but  typically it’s called a reputation.

Uhh, OF COURSE you should. Frankly, I am surprised publicists don’t all do this already. When I was in freaking high school I was smart enough to realize that posting drunk pictures of myself on Facebook could have negative consequences... And I was a fucking dumbass in high school! If dipshit Zukka could figure that

Children’s brains are made to learn quickly and understand the environment they’re in. Just as a child can understand that baby dolls are different than actual babies, a child can understand that giving voice commands to a device is different than talking to a human. This generational technology hysteria is nothing

Maybe if parents talk to each other and their kids they can offset this terrible thing.

Remember “Mad Men”? Ad agencies haven’t changed much since then: men still have virtually all the positions of power and women are support staff. There aren’t clear chains of command and drinking, hooking up and relationships are common, mainly due to the long hours and lots of travel. Behavior that would get you

I think they sent her their stories because they don’t have the platform she does.