
Yeah, a dude asking if I’ll come back to their apartment to fuck after five minutes of casual chatting is not my idea of romance (and this happened quite a bit).

That’s a very pure fight-or-flight scenario. I’m guessing my response would be to release the dick in repelled horror - but I wish I were a ‘fight’ like you.

So the so-called idea of “losing French romance” is a notion that is projected by non-French people? It doesn’t come from the French people themselves? Really appreciate your insight!

But it is under the French patriarchy that street harassment is actually being recognized as an impediment to free civil discourse and circulation and punished.

Oh, for sure. I think it’s a common victim blaming response to tell people that the harassment maybe wouldn’t have been too bad if they had responded with “please do not say those things to me, it makes me sad!” I knew a woman who once did in fact try to rationalize some guy screaming obscenities at me from across the

ETA: in case there happens to be anyone out there who feels we should we polite language when we’re harassed, I should mention that telling him to fuck off was 100% a gut, panic response.

Telling him to fuck off *is* the appropriate response and I’m sorry this happened to you. 

It’s nothing to do with being French, it’s just another convenient excuse men can trot out, so they do.

Anyone that criticizes you for telling this chode to fuck off can fuck off.

I get the journalist wants to make her point, but there is a thin line between opinion and facts ( dare I say, law).

“some critics say the harassment measures will mark an end to French romance.”

Commence the countdown to French actors and actresses drafting a statement in defense of the French tradition of catcalling in dix, neuf, huit, sept, six, cinq, quatre..

Wow. That’s an incredibly short sided and stupid move.

I sent the Amy Adams clip to my mom because she has a similar problem where her cheek will hit “mute” when she’s talking on the phone.

No, if he were a direct caregiver hed be paying for all that stuff as a matter of course.

and if they aren’t that is the fault of their caregivers.

He sold his residual right for the (relatively) low lump sum of $27 million. His ex, Brooke Mueller, claims he specifically did that to pay less in child support.

Amy Adams is a gift. She elevates everything she’s in, whether a film or a boring talk show interview.

Forgetting the ten million in the bank, wouldn’t Charlie Sheen have (way more than) enough in residual payments from just Two and a Half Men to cover all his bills, lifestyle, and still have quite a lot left over?

I strongly agree with your statement that This Is Us is a cult. I may get stoned to death, but that show is... not for me.