
or maybe you’re the idiot because where did you get that he was a stranger to her when she sent them?

Somebody can’t be abused if they’ve taken drugs? Because being in an abusive relationship would seem to be a pretty strong motivation to self medicate. 

This is bullshit but color me not at all suprised. Getting a protective order for myself and my kids was something of a nightmare and involved me having to drag my middle child in for a hearing against her own father. The first time the man violated that order the younger cop asked me if I had been drinking and if I

Dear folks living in 112th Legislative District / need to clean house come election day.

Powerful men really do view women as disposable items. Then they enable not-so-powerful men to do the same.


I’m sure the same could be said of most people who are raped.


maybe because they fucking want to and it has nothing to do with this story.

Of the people accused of rape, 994 out of 1,000 will walk free. So no, people are not being arrested, tried, and convicted with certainty on the sole basis of someone’s word. They’re not even being arrested, tried, and convicted on the basis of hard evidence.

To be arrested? Your word can be good enough. What are you even talking about? People get arrested all the time through a victim pointing to someone in a line-up or just having the cops drive them by the person in handcuffs on the ground.

Women have been used as currency for a long time.

The thing is, when other crimes are committed we don’t have amazing people like you coming out to say “are you SURE you were mugged? Do you have pictures of you being mugged? Why do you think they picked YOU to be mugged, were you drinking?” That’s what’s not changing. The automatic disbelief of those who choose to

My guess is they paid him

That ‘womp womp’ noise was astonishingly crass. Unbelievable.

OR do whatever the fuck you want to with you your body hair. Wax it, shave it or leave it. You don’t owe it to anybody to arrange your body hair in a manner more to another person’s liking, whether you are pregnant or not...

I’ve never had a kid, but I remember my girlfriends talking about how much more painful waxing was when they were pregnant. So fuck that! And regardless, fuck the concept that women (or anyone) needs to do anything cosmetic to their genitalia. People need to do whatever the fuck they want* with their junk, no more no

I hope she wins and is able to sue these guys for sexual harassment personally, too. That is one of the most generous things a person can do for a couple, and I’m glad she is paid for her time and effort of GROWING A HUMAN LIFE for them. That they chose to shame her publicly in return is so beyond the necessary

This is beyond disgusting.

Those guys sound like the absolute worst, making comments about the appearance of a woman’s vagina when she’s giving birth and screaming in pain. And they’re on TV because of their witty and interesting personalities? I’m so over cruelty being characterized as a snarky good time.