
I watched both seasons, despite feeling the first season glamorized suicide as vengeance and never explained that Hannah made the wrong choice.

I read it the same way. Whether she’s saying it’s a song about cultural appropriation, or that the song’s author engaged in cultural appropriation, neither seem to be true.

Africa is in no way cultural appropriation. The premise of the song is that it’s a young white boy from that time period writing a song about Africa, having never been there and only learning about it from television in the early 90's. It’s literally quoted in the first line in the background of the songs Wikipedia

Now playing

All I’m going to add is that Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel has African rhythms in it too. There’s even an African singer singing in his native tongue at the end. If anybody wants to come for it - I’m ready to die on this fucking hill.

Two things that infuriated me about this season:

I’m going to assume that it’s because the original uses what most of us recognize as African rhythms in the background. The song itself is a word salad that sounds romantic with that rhythm section that has you nodding your head along to it.

How is “Africa” cultural appropriation? Because the storyteller happens to be there in the song? And please don’t attack me internet just want to know.

I hate this show with a firey passion and I wish there was a way to set our Netflix so that my teens can’t watch it. Actually—is there a way to disable a particular show on Netflix? I know there are parental controls, but I don’t mind my teens watching a lot of “mature” shows. This one just hits really close to home

I’ve watched both seasons too and can also see both arguments for and against the show. Used in the right way- a teen watching with a parent and being able to have thoughtful and truthful discussions afterward- this show could really be SUCH a powerful tool. Though watching alone I get so frustrated! I constantly want

I have never seen this show but I just would like to say that if I died and the photo they chose to put by my casket was a selfie of me in a beanie in a car I would be LIIIIIIVID.

The police force is much less about keeping us safe and much more about generating revenue. Memorial day weekend is a big moneymaker for these cops.

It’s a couple centuries past time to end police patrols. No other emergency service operates this way and- surprise- no other emergency service goes around murdering and maiming people in daylit public places.

“Kate won”?? I hate this stupid comparison more than anything else she said. So Katy likes her clothes tighter but why does she have to grade two womens wedding dresses against each other? I don’t see anyone grading Harrys outfit with Williams. And you know she’s the type to tweet storm when others pit her against

I liked the lack of structure in the dress. It made her look relaxed and comfortable. Yes, it moved, so it didn’t look perfect and pressed in every.single.pic...but that’s OK. No one mistook anyone else as the bride and how could you really study the dress when you had to keep looking at them? They are so in love and

> “I’m never not going to tell the truth!”

Lets live in a world where we can wear clothes that don’t have to fit so tight that the seams of our spanx show. k?

The worst part isn’t the fit criticism, but the “Kate won” comment. She’s needlessly pitting women against each other.

I think you’re both right. She was clearly mentally ill, desperate, and likely a victim of abuse. At the same time, she murdered her son which makes her the worst abuser of all.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

The assholes who post troll-news “for the lulz” will, in the grand scheme of history, do more harm to American Democracy than any amount of terrorists. They are actively destroying the ability to conduct informed democracy just for no other reason than amusement at their own antics.