
Ok a couple things though, she had a suspect list 1,000 names long and she was slowly working through them. You can’t actually start naming suspects in a book that haven’t been cleared by police because you’ll get sued and possibly completely derail a police investigation. I don’t think Patton nor anyone else is

You haven’t read the book, I have and cops had been working off and on for the entire time. I am not arguing she didn’t influence the investigation, I am arguing the stupid notion the cops did nothing. The book is NOT just about Michelle’s obsession, but about the detectives who kept working on it when they could.

the cops who worked on this case

Did you read the book? The idea that the cops did nothing for decades is completely false. Much of the book is her literally talking to the cops who worked on this case. And she didn’t solve it, the guy they arrested is never mentioned in the book. I can appreciate the fact that she sort did much time and helped bring

Yeah, no shit. Even if he’d said “we appreciate her work for keeping this unsolved murder in the spotlight and for bringing renewed attention to it,” that would have been something.

Both the Sacramento DA and the count sheriff are up for re-election this year. With all the (deserved) blow back from the murder of Stephon Clark, I’m not surprised at all that they closed a big case like this.

I live in Sacramento and believe me, plenty of people want to kick Scott Jones in the teeth.

I’m guessing he’s in an elected position and he just got hardcore Jessica Fletchered by someone I’m assuming he perceives as a second tier Hollywood actor’s wife. The voters are not likely to appreciate the fact that their highly-paid employee couldn’t do what a private citizens did.

I mean, if cops are shamed into digging up a cold case that they then solve, do they ever stand up and go “Thanks for shaming us into looking into this”. Heeeeelll no. They go “We were always working on this, and this just goes to show we never give up.”

Whatever it was that nailed this guy’s coffin shut, I’m here for it. Yesterday must have been an incredible emotional rollercoaster of a day for those who loved his murder victims and the survivors. May they sleep better at night knowing that he is finally, finally behind bars.

Exactly. How hard is it to share a little credit with the dead woman who spent years working on the case?

Yesterday was the first time I heard about this killer and all that; but it seemed like HUGE news and I wanted to support McNamara even if she’s gone so I went and bought the book. This cop is making me want to kick him in the teeth.

‘Bake him away, toys.’

Murder goes unsolved for 3o years.

When asked by reporters whether her work played any role in Wednesday’s arrest of Joseph James DeAngelo, Jones said, “That’s a question we’ve gotten from all over the world in the last 24 hours, and the answer is no.”

Assuming he also matches his suspect profile on Wikipedia:

100% DNA match is being reported, along with the detail that he’s talking.

Haven’t read the book but I live in the Bay Area and just read about the guy last year and it legitimately sent a chill down my spine, the crimes committed were so widespread and disgusting

Yeah... from the recent MFM podcast where Patton and the writing/investigation team were interviewed it sounded like that was a way they envisioned this one getting solved. So curious!

I assumed he was dead or had been rotting in jail in a different state for decades. The idea he’s not only alive, but a former cop, and was apparently in California this whole time is ... wow.