
She’s wearing HEELS.

Watch out, people will tell you that she’s privileged and therefore should have to stand in front of everyone no matter if she’s just given birth.

Arthur King of the Britons, Defender of the Faith etc

I can’t imagine having to look pulled-together and smile for the cameras hours after giving birth. That would be worse than the actual childbirth.

George is 100% in this for what it gets him. And if there’s no immediate gratification he ain’t interested. I sort of admire that.

George is going to spend his adult life barely surviving a strange series of “accidents.”

Arthur Philip sounds okay, but Arthur Philip Charles sounds awful. The rhythm is off.

George is having bloody none of it. Which is his default expression and the reason I love him.

Don’t worry, everyone accidentally bonks their kid’s head on a door frame at least once. Don’t feel guilty, you’re in good company.

I will never understand how a woman who gave birth 5 hours prior can look better than me AT MY VERY BEST.

This job is exhausting. Imagine being a women who just gave birth and a mere 5 hours later you have to throw on a dress and look like you totally have your shit together in front of the entire world. It’s days like this when I’m thankful being a mere peasant.

A friend of my dad’s recently told him a story. Guy is a life-long gun owner, considers himself well trained in safety, etc. He was recently putting away a handgun away in a closet. He’d taken out the magazine, and didn’t realize that there was a bullet in the chamber. He went to “dry fire” it, and the bullet went

Yeah, withdrawal is no joke. The number of people who die because they try to go cold turkey is devastating.

I believe she was trying to detox without medical supervision. When you’re at that level of alcoholism, it’s the stopping that can kill you (the actor that played Lafayette on True Blood died the same way).

fucking christian trash.

We should not have exemptions for churches and religious organizations. If they want to be non-profits they should have to follow the same rules as any other.

Every time I think I couldn’t possibly be more disgusted by conservatives, they somehow find a way.

Me too. I’m a church, the Church of Wkiernan, a very hermetic sect where we, for religious reasons, cannot divulge the tenets of our creed. This means I don’t ever have to pay taxes any more, right? It’s that simple, right?

Someone was inspired by Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.

uh, no, honey, you’re a racist if you touch a black person’s hair without their permission because you feel like you’ve just got a white right to do whatever you want with this entire other human person’s body