
I had an ex who did forensic interviews with abused children, and he told me that if you ever have to deal with a beat cop over the age of 35, be extremely wary.

I missed the write up of his testimony in the first trial, thanks for the link- made for a double good read! : )

I don’t feel particularly sorry for the wives. It’s not a Lady Di situation where they were inexperienced virgins, not realizing they were marrying an inconsiderate or incompatible partner. While maybe there was a power imbalance between Melania and Trump, both of these ladies knowingly married fully evolved assholes,

I want a dyke for president.

For state governor’s that’s not uncommon. Of our current governors, 14 have never held an elected office and 8 never held ANY political office.
Elected positions aren’t like career paths where you start at the bottom and move up.

His wife did, at least five times and maybe during the honeymoon.

It’s been that way at least since Reagan and probably before that.

Do you really need me to say it? I’ll say it. Because this time it’s a FEMALE actor. Therefore we must assume she is not serious.

I truly believe Trump didn’t want to be president - he just wanted to win an election.

My mother can’t smize in posed photos. Like, you might see her laughing in a candid photo, but every time she is looking directly at the camera, her eyes go dead. It’s kind of awful and I’ve never mentioned it to her because it’s mean - it’s just something I’ve noticed in other people who have similarly dead interior

Why wouldn’t she be serious about it? We’ve had at least one Governor and one President who were actors, it’s not like it is unheard of. How many people run state-wide campaigns just for funsies?

I honestly just don’t understand straight sex. Like, which one is the woman? And which one is the other woman?

You know I get that you’re joking and that this is probably something that would really bother someone like Don Jr., but as with any comment of this kind, I imagine it really hurts to actually have a micropenis and read shit like this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So what if we had known? I doubt it would have influenced our current political situation in the slightest. Greasy Son I having an affair is barely a blip these days.


They’ve never known joy, that’s why. Only need and greed.

Ho is it possible that none of the male Trumps have learned to smile properly in a picture? The all force their faces into some goofy rictus that makes it look like they’ve just made an enormous dump in their pants

I, for one, am happy to have lived in blissful ignorance of what I’m sure was a bumpy, awkward and self-tanning lotion smeared Trumpian sexual encounter, for the last 5 years.

this definitely “came to light”—it’s just that no one gave two shits about someone who is in no way inherently interesting, was merely celebrity-adjacent, and is now a political celebrity of circumstance™.

I understand that we have to talk about these people. But could we stop mentioning their dicks? And thus forcing me to think about their dicks directly after breakfast. Please and thank you.