
You may not be familiar with this as you claim to be new to the case, but there was a large public outcry regarding Best’s appearance at the trial, including demands to strip him of the Irish captaincy. This can be confirmed through numerous news sources, as well as through social media.

i have the exact opposite reaction to rickrolls, i am overjoyed and do the brendan fraser clap before joining in and singing at the top of my lungs.

Except when I say “he can’t act like Harrison Ford,” I’m not talking about “doing a Harrison Ford impression” *gasp*

They hired him before they saw his acting, then saw his acting and said he needed more acting classes and threw money for him to learn how to act and pushed back the production just to wait for him to learn how to act.

Donald Glover makes way more sense as Lando. He may not quite have the look. But he has the attitude. And unlike Han’s actor, he is popular as hell right now.

The issue was that Anthony wasn’t found by Spielberg. Alden’s casting is strictly Steven using his power to get his way.

You could say the same thing about Donald Glover as Lando couldn’t you?

Was there an issue with Anthony Ingruber? There are clips on YouTube of the dude doing a pretty good Harrison Ford.

I don’t know if Anthony Ingruber has the acting chops for it, but I would at least liked for them to try.

I think, purely in physical terms, I buy Glover as a young Lando much more than Ehrenreich as a young Han.

Donnie Glover still stealing the show.

I’m excited about this still, but Alden’s performance seems a little flat. Maybe it’s due to the many cuts in this trailer.

His voice is the biggest distraction. Harrison Ford has such a distinct voice.

I’ll still never understand the casting of the lead for this film.

I mean, let’s be honest, they had my money the second they cast Donald Glover.

Solid looking trailer - while I still don’t know if we needed this movie, I’m happy to have what looks like a more intimate, character driven story. That’s where I think these standalones can really shine - small stories as opposed to over-the-top epics set in a very large and somewhat familiar universe.

It had to be weird for Ringwald to be essentially fetishized by Hughes. She was 16 when they started working together. I’m sure her feelings about him and their films are extremely complex.