sunny T
sunny T
@tyga— hhuurrrkkk
You forgot “soft spoken”.
As a 30 year veteran of the hair industry, I think it’s a decent idea. I’m not thrilled with mandated training, but, I’m all for it from an education sense. We, stylists, hear everything. We literally touch them for longer periods of time and that breaks down lots of usual barriers. I’ve personally given the #’s of…
The most beautiful boy, 21, lives in my house. I cheer at his rugby games and watch as he charms. HE KNOWS THE DEFINITION of consent.
my goodness, those are terrible hair extensions.
We have no problems, Mon.
And we have a “hot young then douchey olds” Saturday night?
Contact the district office. The staff has to read and reply.
He pandered.
Talk to an 83 yr old women who toured/ observed Russian culture during the Reagan disammanant:
He wants to touch their more. time.
Ivanka and Dj’s nose are interchangeable. I wonder if they both ordered the family nose?
My daughter has a 3 wk boychild. She straps him to her chest and pokes in her neighborhood (1.5 months in new house). She says she’s making friends with the “tween nerd herd” as she walks and I think it’s fine.
May the odds be long.
Why not both? Thanks for the info!
Very very clever! I’m making another donation.
Just stop. Breathe.