Bubbles, not Bobo. MJ’s pet.
Bubbles, not Bobo. MJ’s pet.
I’m almost to that level of pandering.
Bobo :(
Gwen and Blake are on the #ohmygerdI’msonthedeepsideof 40's. The #countryjam16 concert was excellent even though they both had crazy eyes and overly sweet intentions.
pedi-pedi. I asked for it at the salon because my toe polish last so much longer than my nail polish.
Showed to Mr.Grayce
He already bought her the horse she’ll ride out on. SHEEZE!
MY PEOPLE. DANCING. Don’t be dissful.
My earthday contribution was using reusable mesh cuts instead of aluminum foils for hair color application. I washed/dried/reused numerous times today. (okay....my assistant washed and dried but still...)
starring because your name shouts to me.
If it makes it to the 3rd season, there will be plenty of POC.
*motherswort. ( It’s only important if you’re feeling herbally.)
Helen Mirren, Jen. Helen Mirren.
More *cringe* here than from Steve Harvey.
Let those without 6” wobble cast the first shade. I can’t walk in 4+”heels sober leaning on or sans friends.