Her name is Saga? Holy shit... Ragnarok, here we come.
It is Italy, a country where harassing/assaulting women on the street is just behind Soccer as the national sport.
“danger always comes very quickly, like death”
I also don’t like it being “between a person and her doctor” because most doctors (#notalldoctors, lol) are fucking useless at weight loss advice. I went in for a checkup and the doctor tut-tutted about my weight (wow, I’m fat? Gee doc I never noticed!) and instructed me, in one sentence, to “get more excercise and…
The only person in that family who didn’t suck was season 1 Sybil, so of course they totally tanked her character and then killed her off.
I shop at Whole Foods.
I buy organic everything.
I buy in bulk.
oh yeah, I’d rather my dehydrated and abandoned kids starve to death in an underfunded and understaffed Argentinian hospital instead of getting someone elses milk.
There’s fierce, and then there’s fierce. I love how fierce she looks in the photo, like, “Take THAT, awful forces of the world that make babies cry.” Props to her and her bosses.
I’m pretty sure the only thing she’d be willing to give you is a load of lead you creep.
That’s how it works in countries that aren’t America The States or The U.S.
That’s how it works in countries that aren’t America.
I mean, what do you want? We see this when trans people aren’t cast and people get rightly offended. Now we have a lesbian actress cast and people bitch she;’s not an actress. My daughter is gay and I’m glad a gay character is being portrayed by a gay actress. Progress.
How to make Friday Nights awesome:
I would very much enjoy the money and the ability to ride Prince Hot Ginge’s royal fleshscepter whenever I wanted, but everything else about being a royal sounds like a lesser level of hell to me. She held her husband’s elbow at an event? She crossed her legs at the knee? She expressed an opinion?!?! CRUCIFY THE HUSSY.
Don’t be a fat shaming piece of shit.
“Squeezed” implies the woman is a blimp struggling to get into college-age jeans. Not so for Gadot. (And way cool she did it.)
That rabbi can fuck right off along with her, maybe they’ll get a 2 for 1 deal.
Yeah but he dislocated his shoulder pointing at which kid he wanted the nanny to feed.