Anyone who thinks TLJ “ruined mah childhood” has clearly never moved beyond that childhood.
Anyone who thinks TLJ “ruined mah childhood” has clearly never moved beyond that childhood.
Star Wars needs better fans and WoC need better support.
As a WoC and massive Star Wars fan the fact that people were messing with Kelly Tran fucks me up. Star Wars needs better fans and WoC need better support.
Given the characters involved, I’d put at a 51% chance this happened, and a 49% chance this guy is delusional.
Because her last name is Shannon and not Muhammad.
but, mothers of boys: demand uncommonly decent behaviour of your sons children towards others, at all times.
Was just in a major African city, and in planning for the trip, I studied pictures of women on the city streets. Not a single one of them in open toed shoes (or at least in socks with sandals). I wore sneakers daily and wiped them down thoroughly with Wet Wipes at the end of every day. The streets there were a whole…
Trump didn’t win New York and now he is a president.
Bonnie Colwell has not yet been identified by news outlets.
You know why.
For someone who was just gatekeeping what is and what isn’t country upthread, you sure cherrypicked a lot of not-really-country acts for your list of liberal country artists. (I mean, Swedish folk duo First Aid Kit? C’mon.) You also picked a lot of artists that I seriously doubt are liberal (Carrie Underwood? C’mon.)
4 comments in and 2 of them are already offended and correcting her self-identification through the lens of cis-heteronormativity.
The horrors these immigrants are experiencing could easily be compared to Naziism or slavery.
ICE is the Trump Gestapo.
If this guy ain’t a Pepe-humper I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.
I have a reason to share this now.
If I had those tits, I’d use them to protest, too. The hair, the lipstick, the passion.. I am living for all of this.
They’re just nipples, you’ll be okay.
Oh shit. This #metoo thing found my breaking point. DO NOT CANCEL PROJECT RUNWAY. Thank you for your time.