Cynthia is selling these on her campaign site!
Cynthia is selling these on her campaign site!
SHUT UP—he is a good and moral Christian who, yes, cheated on his third wife (who’d recently given birth to their child) and had the other woman threatened and paid off. And who’s discussing reinstating a domestic abuser in his cabinet. But don’t try your cognitive dissonance with me! LALALALALALALA.
What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. — Upton Sinclair
Just seal the squeaker hole with aquarium silicone and water doesn’t get in. Your duckie will float better anyways so win-win.
Calm down. I’d like to see a study where the duckies are soaked in a diluted bleach solution and then left to dry completely before re-use. Or you know COMMON SENSE
I wouldn’t want to walk barefoot in the snow or massage someone’s feet, but I would gladly subject my kids to both. Builds character.
The institution of cheerleading is stupid enough, but to pretend that NFL cheerleaders are anything more than go-go dancers with pom-poms is even more ludicrous. It couldn’t be more obvious if they were in cages suspended from the Superdome roof.
Cool, and until you’re “given” that world do you support the rights of women (and some men, and lots of gender fluid/non binary people but I’ve noticed that antis tend to forget sex workers aren’t just cis women) to earn a living by a means of their choosing as safely as possible or nah?
What would be awesome is if we removed the stigma from sex work and treated it like other jobs, with benefits and shit.
In a utopian setting, sex work would likely be pretty normalized.
Cate was born in 1969, she was 20 when the allegations against Woody dropped. There is no way anyone in entertainment would not have known, because of the he said/she said media shitstorm that surrounded the whole affair. Cate wanted a prestige role to win the big Oscar. Simple. I would have had more respect if she’d…
Wow, fuck Cate Blanchett entirely. I hate that I’m not even surprised at the hypocrisy of White Feminists™ anymore.
Iman will shove a pointy-toed Blahnik up your keester with her foot still in it if you try to mess with her money.
I wonder if he got the design from an Ed Hardy shirt.
“how the hell an ethics professor misses the red lights”
The general phenomenon, of which this is a specific illustration, is probably that anyone who has received prestige as an Ethics professor knows a million fancy ways to rationalize to themselves whatever they want to do anyway, under this or that alternative argument (and also a million fancy ways to condemn the…
To anyone who wants to say that the kids just wanted to skip class, schools in Boston had a snow day and kids went to city hall anyway.