exemplar use of gif
exemplar use of gif
FUCK GRACE. Fuck acceptance. She should be loudly shouting that she won. She should be fighting to end this injustice and let the person who won the most votes be allowed to win. She is abandoning us when we need her most.
Are you from Vermont? Those are the people he represents.
My friend’s child with a compromised immune system died of chicken pox virus because of some non-vaxxer ass hat.
Her only mistake was getting caught.
Trader Joe’s lime popsicles
Fuck the Olympic coverage so hard, sideways. I want to see every moment of every event of this sport. And I can’t and I feel like a junkie who cannot score.
It is way more expensive to keep them on Death Row. The litigation and court fees due to appeal after appeal are astronomical. Also I don’t think our government should kill anyone, ever.
I’m such a pussy for confronting racists on the bullshit they spew.
Well then, as long as he’s an unconventional racist.
Ohfuckyeah. I am one of the million white-lady teachers and fucking TRUTH.
As if the Catholic Church is turning away hordes of foaming divorced devotees just dying to attend mass.
Spread body positivity! Free the beans!
certainly redefines “festive.”
I work from home! No bra! Yay!
We put a red lace bra and panties set on the Blessed Virgin Mother statue, cause we were at Cat’lick school.
But you sound super smart! with your whole “Shut up” comment, you really got me there!
How is it in bad taste to bring up historically accurate information which mirrors the Republican candidate’s stated ideology?
The fact that Kristallnacht needs to be defined twice in this article is kinda proof enough that people have NO FUCKING CLUE how horrible shit got and how Hitler got started. So no, the language isn’t too strong. Trump is a fucking Nazi.