
Ever heard of Randy Weaver? You know..the guy that the Clinton Administration tried to blackmail into spying on White Supremacist groups. He refused, then the government sniper killed his 11 year old son, shot his wife with a baby in her arms, shot him and another young man who lived with him. HE WAS A WHITE GUY.

It’s funny how people who were not alive 100+ years ago and do not do proper research on history have something to say about it!

Hows the crime rate doing in England after guns were banned?

I wonder if any Halocaust survivors think handing over your guns is a good idea? Better to go down fighting than to be starved to death and tortured.

The 2nd Amendment is why the Government “allows” them to have guns. Just like the 1st Amendment “allows” you to criticize people without reprocussion. (unlike other countries that will have you executed for saying something against political leaders) Do you trust the people in your own neighborhood? Do you lock your

Just curious...who do you call when some drug crazed lunatic breaks into your house?

Hey Dum Dum do you really think he is the only business that had to do that? All the businesses that didn’t have either gone out of business, or will be. Notice McDonalds, Starbucks, and many others have eliminated staff to avoid the same costs. And since the owner is obviously a racist according to you....he only

All pizza is bad for you. Eat chicken or fish. Everyone making comments here are all Fat people.

Unlike YOU... who is proud to show how racist you are.

Do they support the Clintons or something?

It takes one to know one

Your a racist too.

What is a “man” to do, or “you” to do?

I guess it requires too much effort for a Millionial to aknowledge others and be polite. The technology of today has made them socially enept. This is why the world now contains more horses a**es, than horses.

Funny..Anyone who doesn’t agree with the left’s beliefs is always “mentally unstable” Ever watch the videos of what the leftists have been doing since Killary lost? When a normal person visits the insane asylum, the residents point at him/her and whisper to each other.... “Look at the crazy person”

I will donate 50.00 to your favorite charity for every time Rush Limbaugh has been caught in a lie about anything he has stated as the truth on his radio program.

Are you referring to Global Warming?

Do you critisize Antifa?

He is “racist” because he is worried about the CRIMINALS sneaking into the country? Most people “sneak” into the country because they are up to no good. They don’t plan on being tax paying, law abiding citizens. They are coming for the “freebies” on the LEGAL tax payers dime. DACA was designed to give people who

Your cat is lying to you. Stop listening to him.