
You Would

You don’t deport LEGAL citizens period.

Wow! Your point of view on the people who come to the this country ILLEGALLY is pathetic. They have to hide in fear and cannot drive for fear of the police pulling them over. Are we supposed to feel sorry for them. THEY ARE CRIMINALS! I know immigrants from the Philippines who have gone through years of working at

If it is over-priced and loud as hell......They will call it “ the protester”

OMG these libtards are really desperate for someone to read their rag. It is comical how the left wears blinders for their own.....( who are usually up to much more heinous activities per capita ) But if someone not in their “club”does the slightest thing wrong ....(sometimes only appearing to be wrong) HEADLINES!!!

If you don’t like it. Change the channel.

Good Try


Oh, and by the way........Can you name one place on this entire planet that didnt have slavery at one time? Since the beginning of mankind, there has been slavery. However, the US was the first Country that fought a bloody war against itself to stop it. And since you seem to be pretty ignorant, here is an interesting

Hey dumbass, White people were the last to get into Slavery. African tribe leaders had been selling members of their tribes to the Spanish for 200 years before America existed. The Slave ships were primarily owned by the Portugeese. I challenge you to dig deep into the facts and prove me wrong. Please site your

Wow never heard of this website before, thought I would check it out. Looks like its very racist. By the way......... Fredrick Douglas was educated by Whites, and although had opposing views of Lincoln in the beginning, he was intelligent enough to give him a chance. Later, he discovered Lincoln was a tremendous ally,