
You make a pretty good argument for it. :)

I had this procedure done around the same age. All I recall is getting to drink lots of Sprite and eating several ice cream meals, so I was happy. Enough to not really recall any pain or discomfort nowadays. Long term — I am a healthy person, but I did have to really learn how to breathe correctly at some point. I

My then 7-year-old had it done 4 years ago. It remains the best thing we have done for her and our best decision as parents. She was underweight, pale, and sickly looking. She snored so loud you could hear her sleeping from any part of the house, and would wake up in the morning screaming and vomiting from a blinding

My daughter had hers out last year at 4. It’s all done with lasers here, and she recovered really well. She was a chronic snorer, she had massive adenoids and her tonsils almost touched, but she never had infections. The biggest change was the lack of snoring (and she was happier because she had more sleep) and her

They don’t do this on a whim anymore so trust that it was worth it. Everything from her getting sick too often to her hearing and behavior will improve. (Kids who can’t hear get frustrated and none of you might have realized how those adenoids and tonsils were effecting her hearing!)

It will be okay, and you guys are

Nephew had this done recently. His adenoids were so swollen he had a massive infection/back up. Also his hearing was significantly impaired. His sleeping has always been terrible since he was a baby, snoring even apnea. Since he had them removed his sleeping is better, breathing is better, hearing is better (can’t use

It is SO WORTH IT. My 6 year old son had it done 18 months ago. He’s barely had the sniffles since-no strep, no ear infections, nada, and he is around kids 24-7. Best decision ever, I promise! The first two weeks are hell, then it’s all downhill.

I just found out something from my daughters therapist that makes me feel like a failure of a parent does that count?

My brother had this done way back in the 70s he is now a healthy big bastard of 46 and it is worth it if your kidling suffered like he did then.

Was she having trouble breathing? Was she getting multiple staph infections? No matter the reason, it was worth it. You guys wouldn’t have gone through with it if it weren’t.

Do math articles usually end with numbers? Or do they end with a relationship between one or more factors demonstrated via proof?

Goddamnit if your baby comes out at 4 pounds or under you need to take that baby to the hospital you dumb shits

My in-laws are looking to move near us from New Jersey, which they claim is a festering hole of iniquity in which nobody knows anybody and people are just in it for the lucre and an out to Florida when there’s a big enough pile of money to do it. Much of that is true. I lived in Jersey for years and knew all of our

Prepare for trouble, and make it double.

As an old, I was just telling my kids last night for some reason about watching the entire game on TV as a kid when Bob Horner did it in ‘86. I vividly remember it. Watched the whole game. Alone. During his last at-bat I remember thinking “No way he hits another one.” Then he did. That is all.

Ah, such innocent potential!

We just got a Think Geek store at Penn Square mall here in Oklahoma City. I used a gift card I got from Christmas to get Pop! figures. I got Rob Gronkowski (of course) BB-8 and WWE superstars A.J Styles and Kevin Owens. They look great at my cube at work.

You should’ve called them out right then and there. What a shitty thing to do. Go forth and rock whatever look you feel like rocking, fuck the noise.

So! Last night after spin I and a gym friend went to a winery tasting room, and we tasted! They had whites and reds and fruit dessert wines, plus some craft beers and about ten cocktails on the menu. Full glasses of wine were five dollars, so it was cheap as well as fun. There’s no TV or jukebox or anything like that.

Toward the end of my pregnancy I told people I could trust (my mom, my husband) to tell EVERYONE to fucking stop calling.