
I love this ridiculousness unabashedly and will forever hold the 1970 Lincoln Continental Mark III as one of the best looking cars ever made.

Same here.  I’d like a newer car, but I’m not dropping 35-40k on it.  My 12 year old car still works, I fix it when it needs fixing and I carry on.  Without a car payment.  

And trust me when I say, this is definitely a junkyard-grade Jeep at this point.

We know you already trailered this back to your parking lot house. Why even try to tease us?

Just ran into my garage to fix this and to my bewilderment realized that I don't own a porsche.

i would also recommend following Charles Phoenix on IG and/or FB. His contributions to classic/vintage Americana and the recording/preservation of its history is beyond like any other.

Considering that I’ve driven more unsafe shitboxes, then yes, I would stick his dumbass in that little car. I WANT him looking out for everyone else, because he knows that he’s getting creamed if he hits someone.

This is a man who keeps buying broken Jeeps without ever actually fixing any of them. You can't be -that- surprised!

That looks surprisingly well. I wonder if someone just pushed it in?

“ takeaway is that the car doesn’t really seem in that bad of shape...”

You could just have written about the confrontation but at the end you took things further and peppered in some practical advice on how to modify the vehicle to prevent this. The extra effort you put in is noticed and appreciated.

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

Bcause there's a highway to hell, but only a stairway to heaven. Duh.

The problem is that they have to constantly open their doors for mailboxes and most of the delivery people find it’s much faster to just get out and walk much of their route and then jump back into their trucks to refill their bags. Most of the trucks do not have aircon in them and have minimally insulated cabs

I grew up in Georgia and I could easily vouch for my home state’s gearhead qualities.

BL didn’t need dipsticks at all.  If it ever stopped leaking, you needed to add oil.

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!

Plus, they’ll never assume it was sabotaged. They’ll just assume it broke becuase it was French. Although that does kind of make the sabotage redundant.