Maybe I would have survived various humiliations if you had been my sister 😭
Maybe I would have survived various humiliations if you had been my sister 😭
This may not be the answer but most higher quality cat food has fish oil added in for the benefit of Omega 3 and 6. Look at your ingredient panel.
Holla. I still think Beast is hot. I also think that Prince Adam is hot but Beast is def better.
Holy hell! My partner has 5” of girth and let’s just say that sometimes it has trouble fitting (thank god for lube). I can’t imagine 6.5” inside of me.
Grrrl! I am in the bay area and I can’t remember the last time water fell from the sky
I showed kids my Beauty and the Beast underwear so I feel ya
I still move worms and snails from the sidewalks too. I hate the thought of them getting crushed :(
A little background: I am an only child who spent a lot of time alone. Therefore, I was really unprepared for the cruelty of kids and didn’t have any experience with keeping things to yourself in order to avoid teasing.
In general, I do not care for the sort of people who own Cavalier King Charles spaniels. So... I guess I’m more “eh” towards Seth Rogan than usual.
“Clean up the water inside your body. Let’s be the oasis for the world. Even if you don’t announce it, it will be felt by the whole world.”
Preciou$ Prince$$
Ah perfect!
Oh, ageism, you old goat *shoves anyone over 30 down the stairs*
Presidential candidate and hemorrhoids personified Donald Trump
Presidential candidate and that neon orange shit the bum pooped out on the street Donald Trump
That Dinosaurs! gif is killing me.