I guess I’ve been under a rock all week because I had no idea that there was a Nicki/ Miley feud.
I guess I’ve been under a rock all week because I had no idea that there was a Nicki/ Miley feud.
Alright. I’ll agree. Stockton is the Florida.
Teenagers scare the living shit out of me:
Ah, Fresno! The Florida of Central California.
Frugal? What are this?
Yet I feel like these are the types of Christians would be the first to make a bullshit comment like “Why do you always have to pull out the race card? This isn’t about race.” when police are out murdering black folks.
Thanks! I probably would have known that had I been able hear Beth Gibbons’ voice over the toddler’s.
I’m really enjoying all of the weird/silly stuff she’s doing post Mad Men. Like “Another Period” is hilarious. It makes me feel like she’s a really fun person that I want to be around.
Hey Christina
What is she listening to? I thought it was pretty.
Did you see the author is called “IglooAustralia”?
‘Tyga may be “Stimulated,” but his wealth is simulated.’
But why is it that watching this white boy rap isn’t totally embarrassing and only endearing. Fuck you Tom Hardy for making my emotions complicated.
The puppet that’s second in line is totally Ilana
Because I was 20 and he was 26 and covered in tattoos and so fucking hot and I had no confidence and didn’t want to scare him away. So in this case “polite” means “doormat”.
I too have had sex with a micro. And it was jarring because he was such a confident dude afterwards. To this day he is the worst sex I’ve ever had and I’m not afraid to tell people that.
The second time that my ex and I did the deed, he stopped mid-coitus to release an incredibly loud fart. Did I say anything? Hell no because I am polite. And I farted in front of him one time in the three years we were together and he laughed at me. Booo