Jurassic Porker

Could also be a catholic mother. My mom informed me at 19 years old that she wanted at least 5 grandkids and I had better get started right away. I am now almost 28 with 4 dogs and 3 cats. Suck on that mother.

Girth before beauty

I just don’t feel like there is anything on Nickelodeon that I’d be too interested in.

Same. I’d be all “uhhhh, I heard this one opinion that I think I agree with but then I heard this counterpoint that also made sense to me and uhhhhh, I never pick up a newspaper and only get informed via”.

I don’t like you right now

I can not even deal with this picture and Jezebel is constantly recommending the article to me. Hate hate hate.

I sort of assumed that they have a child and it’s the child’s doll chillin while they’re visiting a frind or something. Oaklanders are generally VERY concerned about any living creature left in a car. I worked at a pet store in a shopping center with a Safeway and in the summer, people were always rushing in and


Please stay positive about this situation, dear-

Why do people think that James Franco is a good actor? I find him very cute and funny in a lot of his movies but I just do not get the part where he’s this phenomenal entertainer.

Agree but unfortunately I’ve personally only encountered 3 foreskins in my life and we were not wasting time on hand jobs.


My grandma told me that she’s leaving me her house and most of her stuff. I’m getting more stuff than her children AND she mentioned a specific cousin that she is giving very little to because she’s never really liked him. I’m not looking forward to my family’s collective evil eye once she passes.

Disagree. Hand jobs are the ultimate in sad sexual acts. Especially when you’re young and don’t know what lube is.

Moving too fast, this isn’t a race

Yep. That scene left me in a puddle.

I loved the hate-fucking. Teenage me was ALL ABOUT IT. Why was Spike so fucking hot? The world may never know.

I thought that having separate trials meant that the jury would have to focus on each defendant individually. Is this not good? I feel like my knowledge is from too much SVU as well. Whatever, I want their asses in jail so whatever reflects that opinion is what I like.

That is really super duper amazingly cute.

I’m confused about who ruled for the 6 separate trials but whoever you are, you’re a star.