Jurassic Porker

You just can’t trust a fucking biopic to be accurate. I watched “Get On Up” last week and they show one (very mild) domestic violence scene when in reality, James Brown had numerous complaints about his violence from wives and girlfriends. Representing the rampant misogyny spewed out by NWA doesn’t mean that their

It also looks like something I made kindergarten

That’s gonna be a hard “NO” for me.

I like you

Someone used this gif in a comment to me the other day and I died. I love you Dwayne Johnson. Please spread it far and wide!

“Yazidi religious leader Baba Sheikh has also instructed Yazidis to disregard the typical stress placed on female virginity and welcome the women and girls back without censure or shame”

It is fucking terrifying that in prison you are controlled by the whims and emotions of the people that own you. We need reform.

3 emoji for how I feel about you

I refuse to believe it!

Dammit, now I can’t edit to add a comma. Kinja’d

“Mad if I do...Mad if I don’t... Go hang out with Jaden or something”

I’m more familiar with this sweet brand but yep. Definitely looks like a teenager who put a bunch of gel in their hair.

The suspension of disbelief is not alive and well for me right now. Like, why would you put on a 12,000 dollar gown with wet hair? That’s couture. Also when thick hair is wet and just allowed to stay wet, your scalp gets all itchy. I’m not buying what this stylist is selling.

I’m really loving her outfits but why with the “wet hair” look? It doesn’t make any sense in the photograph.

Cultural appropriation is a real problem for many, many people of color. I would not wear a sari because I would be wearing a costume of a culture that is ridiculed and sometimes even made unsafe because of their style of dress. Then when I am tired of the costume, I get to go home and take if off and blend in with


Yes I agree with you. My original comment to Mango was in response to them claiming there were more victims of trafficking and coercion than people who be sex workers. Anyway, this is the response after they asked for sources: