Is it so he’ll be able to breathe better?
Is it so he’ll be able to breathe better?
Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.
I mean at multiple points it goes out of his way to show him executing people who had surrendered,
I think you have a point, but I don’t think anyone robbed Ellie of her agency. If she wanted to die, she could just kill herself. I see a lot of back and forth about justifying Joel and did he do the right thing, or is he a monster.
I was definitely worried about the Franchise-ification of TLOU after the first game because I was in the same camp that, while not a satisfying or ‘traditional’ ending, it was an ending enough that I was okay with my visit to that world and didn’t need to return. I should have known that Capitalism would not allow…
I think this assumes you don’t start having kids before you can even legally buy cigarettes.
The Incels are calling this “The Wall”, as in hot women hit a wall at 40. I unfortunately learned about this because Aubrey Plaza made the mistake of wearing something non-flattering recently.
“More likely, the real reason Capcom decided to be a coward and not age Jill alongside her male costars is that in pop culture there’s nothing scarier than women aging like normal human beings.”
This is some big “Quiet breathes through her skin” energy.
Hemp seeds are a source of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, and some pet owners may wonder if they are safe and healthy for gerbils to consume. While hemp seeds are not toxic to gerbils, it is not recommended to feed them to gerbils on a regular basis.
I neeeed to feel big.
I’ve been gaming since the 1970s, and first started hearing about JRPGs by that name in the early 1990s. I’d never heard anyone deride JRPGs simply because of their origin back then. After all, if it weren’t for Western RPGs (principally Ultima and Wizardry) in the 1980s, we wouldn’t have games like Final Fantasy and…
Yeah. I’m US-ican born in 80 who grew up w/ JRPG only meaning RPG made by a Japanese company and Western RPG meaning ‘rent if you’re desperate’.
Yeah, there seems to be some sort of rewriting history that JRPG was always some sort of slur ?? I’ve never heard anyone use it that way , although seemingly ( nased on these articles) some Internet chuds did in the 2010s , anyone who ever used the term , even decades before said dick wads were born , is now worse…
Says the website with a fake Japanese name.
Companies must love it when their Twitter video teaser gets absolutely hobbled by Twitter’s dogshit video compression.
Jesus, rich people like this are a cancer.
Or...and just hear me out on this... someone sounds bitter that they weren’t crowned Queen of all the singers.
Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan made history by being the first Asians to win in the SAG categories (Asian Best Actress Film and Asian Best Supporting Actor Film, respectively).