How can anyone justify this treatment? How can people continue to make excuses for such an objectively flawed and compromised vehicle?
How can anyone justify this treatment? How can people continue to make excuses for such an objectively flawed and compromised vehicle?
“That’s everybody though, you and me, everyone has a form of unconscious bias.”
I am shocked, shocked I say, to learn that this guy is a Republican. /s
“What kind of human garbage”
because i don’t value my time or fear death i watched the 9 hour ‘full gameplay’ video on youtube. story is bad and disappointing, there really are only 4-5 varieties of gameplay type, and it really comes off like a deeply cynical game for deeply cynical people.
Is it smart to remind us of what we really wanted instead? A single player game.
Once you hear the explanation you’ll be ashamed of your words and deeds.
It absolutely didn’t. And it’s very easy to find out: lots of people who praised Part II’s story state that it all works and makes sense, because Abby is justified and Joel had it coming for what he has done, so her actions can be understood, even if they were evil.
Wow, I just (a few minutes ago) wrote a post recollecting the idiotic fans claiming that Musk somehow magiced up some trick to make the CT aerodynamic, and how fucking stupid they were.
No matter how much you stan for him, Elon is never going to notice you.
From what i’ve witnessed of the person, the dual sense battery life being low, controller stick drift and PC’s being usable for gaming are all conspiracies.
Ugh I fucking hate Jira
“Wanda facing absolutely no consequences for literally torturing a whole town will forever leave a bad taste”
What do you think drift is? It’s when the potentiometer breaks in the analog stick because they’re made with increasingly cheaper tiny plastic moving parts that can easily fail. Hall effect analog sticks don’t use potentiometers, and instead implement magnets moving past each other instead of small plastic components…
My brother or sister in gaming, you just put a whole lot of words in my mouth that I never even hinted at. I have a controller used very casually for PS5 exclusives, never thrown or damaged, and a very clear and noticeable drift has occurred. This controller and the Switch joy-cons have been manufactured poorly with…
I think you meant to post this on Gizmodo, this is Kotaku, a site for people that actually play video games.
Really surprised to see the negativity here Mandolorian was one of the new Star Wars things almost universally praised especially the 1st season. Not sure why everyone is so down on it think they could make a great movie and the shorter story format hopefully keeps it tight and action packed! Personally I'm excited!
Replacing Hayter was especially stupid considering:
Did Nintendo reach out and persuade someone to port these games? Doesn’t seem like this was necessarily their doing.